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Randy meeks may be an idiot but he wasn't that much of an idiot. He was observant. He observed and noticed everything about his friends.

For instance, he knew that Billy and Stu were definitely the killers. That wasn't so hard to guess, Randy always thought Billy would always end up a murderer while stu the accomplice.

Randy's known them for a long time. Billy was the mastermind, the most cruelest and Evil minded person Randy's ever met.

Stu, on the other hand, was insane, crazy, and mental of all the above. He had abandonment issues, and Randy always knew that Billy took advantage of that.

Billy always had a way of manipulating someone to do what he wanted. Randy knew all of Billy's little tricks and schemes.

Stu wasn't so innocent, though. Randy knew the kid had always had issues, and he just doesn't mean abandonment issues and the insecurities.

It started with the inappropriate jokes, then the reckless behavior. Randy knew the signs of psychotic behavior. Stu showed all the signs of it.

Billy was showing signs of bipolar disorder. One minute, he could be calm, and the next, he could be bashing someone's head in.

The two literally had the word serial killer printed on their heads. Randy knew they were the killers.

The only problem he had figuring out was Kinney.

Kinney, the identical twin of Sidney. He always had a crush on Sidney but never on Kinney, and he never knew why. She looked like Sidney, yet she was different from her.

Kinney's was just different from everyone. She liked horror movies like him. She was sarcastic and smart.

Randy didn't remember how he became friends with someone like her in the first place.

She was just there one day, and the next, she was there every day of his life, but with Kinney comes Billy and stu.

Randy noticed it, of course he noticed it. Wherever Kinney was, Billy and stu weren't far behind.

Randy noticed the looks Billy and Stu would throw at Kinney. He's never seen them actually look at their girlfriends like that.

It seemed like both boys were obsessed with her. Kinney was all they talked about whenever they were hanging out.

Kinney, this, Kinney that and Randy didn't mind hearing about Kinney, but it was Billy and Stu.

They talk more about Kinney than they do about their girlfriends. Randy figured it out.

Billy and Stu are in love with Kinney. Randy knew that Kinney had tiny little crushes on both of them, but she never really acted on those feelings since they had girlfriends.

She was shy, but when she got comfortable, she was confident, but lately, she was starting to act differently.

Randy noticed it, the different attitude switches. At first, Randy thought she was bipolar like Billy, but the more he paid more attention to Kinney, the more he realized.

Kinney was acting like a completely different person. Randy did some research, and he found his answers.

He should've known. Kinney was showing all the signs of it.

Kinney had a split personality disorder.

- -

Kinney was sitting on the couch in complete boredom when a loud knock sounded throughout the house.

Kinney stood up from the couch and walked out of the living room and towards the front door.

Unlocking the door, she swung it open, and Randy walked inside, shoving her aside.

"I have everything figured out!" He announced, and Kinney closed the door, turning to face him.

"Congrats on finally realizing you're gay." Kinney told him, and Randy blinked , "I'm not gay."

"Seriously? Hmm, I could've sworn you were." She mumbled, walking past him and back into the living room.

"No, alright, listen, first, I know why you are acting so weird lately. You have a split personality disorder, and second, Billy and stu are the killers." Randy told her.

Kinney stared at him before chuckling. "Nice joke."

Randy narrowed his eyes at her ,"I'm not joking! Billy and stu are the killers!"

Kinney shook her head ,"No. I meant about the split personality disorder."

Randy blinked ,"Wait..  you know about Billy and stu being the killers?" He questioned

Kinney shrugged, "it doesn't take a genius to figure that out. Casey dumped milk on me, and the next day, she's dead along with Steve. I fought with Mariah and Ava yesterday, and they were killed last night by the killer,"

"I had a lot of time to think, and I don't really care as long as they don't try to kill my sister." She said with a small shrug.

Randy groaned, sitting down next to her. "I did all that thinking for nothing!"

Kinney patted his shoulder. "Look on the bright side, you finally thought for once in your life." She teasingly smiled at him, and Randy threw her an offended look.

"I think all the time!"



Word count - 817

Hope you enjoy!

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