Panicking like father and son

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It was a gloomy Tuesday, and the doctors were doing their doctor stuff. Lukas had just woken up from a coma, no big deal, right? Not when you've been abused your whole life.

He was scared; I mean, come on, he is a 4-year-old, and Alessio is an assassin with muscles but not too much. One thing Luca knew was that the bigger they are, the worse they hit.Lukas had a panic attack, and Alessio knew it immediately; he thought of scenarios in his idiotic mind on how he would meet his son. But calming him from a panic attack was not one. Still, he did what a good father would do. He has had so many panic attacks, and each time his brothers would comfort him.

The hospital room was a bit bigger than the average one, and Alessio took one step forward, and Lukas's chest began to rise rapidly, so Alessio stepped back. Fortunately for him, when he had a panic attack, he couldn't recognize anyone, like father, like son, I guess. One thing that helped Alessio was when his brother would talk about random things like the weather. So that's what Alessio did, and he was so scared and actually stuttered (I don't know who the kid is here).

Lukas saw that, and that's what calmed him more, like distracted him.Once Lukas calmed down, Alessio opened his mouth to speak and then wondered if Luca knew how to speak English or just speak in general. While Alessio didn't have common sense, he could speak many languages because of his *clears throat* unique profession.

"Can you understand what I'm speaking? You, uh, don't have to answer; you can just nod if you want or speak—anything's cool."

Alessio saw that Luca was in the corner and still really scared and was burying himself in blankets, which he thought was cute. What the hell, since when do I think kids look cute? Well, he looks exactly like me, so technically, I think I'm cute, Alessio thought.

He also saw Luca getting irritated with the bandages, but this entire time, Luca dared not to make eye contact because his ribs were hurting (despite the pain killers).Luca gave a small nod because he didn't want to get hit.

"Hey, I know that those cloths hurt, but you need to keep them because otherwise, you might get more hurt." Luca saw he looked sad and was even more confused. Why does this random guy care when he is going to hit him anyway?

"I should probably introduce myself," he added with a slight chuckle. He suddenly blanked for a second; he forgot his name. He was wondering how the hell to introduce himself to his son.

"I'm Alessio, and I'm 21." He had no idea why he decided to say his age. Alessio was basically right now, as his boyfriend would put it, a freakin hot adorable mess.Now he wondered how to explain that he was Luca's father.

"Do you know what parents are?" Luca gave a small nod again, not making eye contact. He knew his mother, and she would abuse him. His mother told him that his father never wanted him using some colorful language.

"Okay, that's good." Luca was shocked; no one had ever said he did something good. This time he couldn't hide his surprise because he is a kid. He stared at Alessio in disbelief. Alessio saw him properly this time and still couldn't get over how similar they looked. He was always the odd one in his family in terms of looks; when he was younger, he was so skinny, exactly like Luca.

"Right, so I don't know what your mother told you, but I'm your father. Your mother took you away from me. I'm so sorry." His voice cracked, and Luca was so shocked he forgot he had to be scared. Alessio had tears streaming down; he quickly wiped them away.

"I know I wasn't there for your life, and Lukas, you never did anything wrong. You don't deserve what happened to you, and I promise no one is ever going to hit you. Kk? But for now, the doctor needs to come and check you." Alessio saw Lukas was scared again as he was not making eye contact. He also saw Lukas make a confused and terrified face when he mentioned the word doctor.

"You know you can look me in the eyes if you want. I won't get mad. I promise, and the doctor is not going to hurt you. He's going to give you some medicines so the pain will stop and also help your body to get better. He won't hurt you." Luca was shocked; no one had ever been this kind to him. He was still scared, but he hoped that Alessio wouldn't hurt him, but that would be unlikely, he thought because all of them always hurt him.

The doctor was Matt's brother, and Alessio trusted him with his life, not that his life had any value, but still. Matt walked in, but Luca never saw that as he buried himself in the blankets afraid that Matt would hurt him. He almost would have had a panic attack again, but Alessio whispered something in his ear, and it helped Luca concentrate; he was still scared, though, so he buried himself in the blankets again. Matt saw that Luca was scared, so he just signalled Sio (Alessio) to come outside.

Once they were outside, Matt became a total mama bear.

"Alessio, Luca has broken ribs. The recommended treatment involves pain management and providing support for the healing process. We'll need to ensure he practices deep breathing exercises to maintain lung function and minimize the risk of respiratory complications. Crucially, pain management through over-the-counter medications and sufficient rest is paramount. We'll closely monitor his progress and gradually reintroduce normal activities as he heals. Adhering to the treatment plan is vital to prevent complications and facilitate a smooth recovery.Furthermore, it's essential to keep a close watch on his energy levels. He shouldn't exert himself too much, particularly considering the broken ribs. Also, be mindful of situations that might easily scare him, as it could impact his blood pressure.Alessio, it's common for trauma to manifest in nightmares. Be prepared for potentially restless nights. Providing gentle reassurance and perhaps using a nightlight could contribute to making him feel more secure during this period of recovery."

Matt proceeded to give Alessio a whole lecture, and for the first time in forever, he actually paid attention to every single word and asked questions. Matt couldn't help but smile at his little brother. When Alessio got hurt, Matt never bothered to lecture him because he knew he wouldn't bother to pay attention...

"You're stepping up, Alessio. Lukas is lucky to have you. Just remember, it's okay to ask for help. We're family, and we're in this together. I'm worried about Luca but also you," Matt said and placed his hand on his shoulder.

Alessio knew that was to ground him as he was freaking out, and normally Alessio would have glared at his brother or been so 'cringe,' but he was too stressed to give a fuck about that right now.

"Yeah, I know. I should probably go back in. Does Sandro know about..." He tried not to sound so nervous when, in fact, he was nervous. Sandro was more like a father than a brother to Alessio. Whenever he needed a father, Sandro was always there.Matt rolled his eyes at the audacity Alessio thought.

"Sandro knows. He owns this hospital, you idiot. Now go." Matt gestured to the door of Lukas's room.

Here we go, Alessio thought.

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