Pretty Eyes

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"You are a prisoner of your own mind "



Fuck there were so many things I needed to discuss but Luca looked so sad and I didn't like that. What the fuck? 'Didn't like that'! I might be going crazy. Meh, I'm already crazy.

Damn it! I sound like a dad's shit I am a dad. Well fuck.

"So... " Luca still was looking down at the floor. WHAT THE HELL IS SO INTERESTING ABOUT MY FLOOR?

Okay, what does a normal four-year-old do? I have no fucking idea. Should I google it? Yeah no. Matt told me to start school after Luca's health improved physically and mentally. It's the start of the day and all I want to do is sleep.

"Do you want to go to the beach?" We have a private beach which has been there for centuries.

I'm an idiot. Ugh, fuck me.

I bet I would love Andres to— WHAT the fuck? Fuck Andr— nope not what I meant. You know what no more using the word fuck.

"First we're going to have to brush" I'm a million percent sure Luc had no clue what that was but he nodded anyway. 

" You have no idea what that means, do you? " I added with a fake smile. Smiles are always fake now. I got so used to 'faking' or hiding my emotions. I don't even know if I'm genuinely happy or just faking it.

Luca just nodded.

"Luca" Wtf why do I keep using his name? Ugh. 

"It's okay not to know everything. Actually, it's weird if you know everything. Nobody knows everything not me not anyone else"

Luca nodded

Giving lectures is exhausting. How the hell does Matt do it 24/7?

What was I supposed to do again? I forgot. Right, brush teeth. I got up from the bed and Luca followed me 

Third Person Pov

Alesio walked to the bathroom and Luca followed him. Luca didn't feel scared anymore. He was just confused. There were so many choices and Miss (Luca's tutor) always used to punish him if he never knew something. She made Luca feel he was always doing something wrong like he was never good enough. 

She used to always say Luca talks in a 'baby' voice. That's the main reason he never talked to Alessio. He was scared that Alessio would find his voice annoying like Miss. 

"Um...Do you know how to brush your teeth" Alessio asked nervously. Luca had never seen people being nervous around him so he didn't know what it was. He thought that Alessio was mad at him. Disgusted at him.

Luca's heart sank at Alessio's question. He remembered the way Miss would shout at him calling him useless when he couldn't talk properly or his handwriting was messy. Luca's handwriting was messy but he could write better than most kids his age.

When normal four-year-olds were just starting to write letters Luca could write words. When normal four-year-olds could say sentences with 4 or more words Luca could speak in full proper sentences like a seven-year-old and spoke another language but he didn't know the name of the language. Pronouncing words was always something Miss would get very mad at so she forced Luca not to speak to sir and his mother. His stepfather and birthgiver would beat and starve Luca for not speaking but Luca would rather starve or get beaten than make Miss angry.

All the memories of Miss's shouting were coming back. Alessio would hate him. He didn't want that. He liked Alessio. Luca bit his lip and dug his nail into his palm.

"It's okay if you don't know I can just show it to you" Luca looked at Alessio like he had nine heads. He was no longer looking at the floor. He was staring directly into Alessio's eyes. He had looked at Alessio a few times but never directly. He didn't want to make Alessio mad at him but when Alessio was sleeping and Luca was awake he would always look at Alessio.  

Alessio had pretty eyes. Really pretty eyes.

(A/N I changed the color of Alesso's eyes (and obv Luca's cause he has Alessio's eyes) to brown because brown eyes are ordinary but they look beautiful...)

Luca wished he had eyes like Alessio. He knew the color was brown. Miss told him that. His mom said that Luca had very ugly brown eyes the color of mud so Luca hated his eyes but Alessio's are so pretty. Luca forgot why he was even confused and he just stared at a very nervous-looking Alessio.

Alessio knew Luca was staring at him but he was staring at Luca. Luca always had his head down and when he would look at Alessio it was usually because he was confused but he would only look for a second and then he would go back to looking at the floor. Maybe he thought the floor was more interesting then him.

He now could see Luca clearly. Alesio knew most kids never always looked like their parents and he would hate it when parents would say 'Oh look! My baby has my nose'. When the kid looked like neither of the parents but...

Luca looked exactly like him! The same features when he was Luca's age. Luca had the same chestnut brown eyes but a  darker shade that looked jet black. Luca was staring at him with his big doe eyes and a small little head tilt as if he were examining Alessio.

"You have pretty eyes" Luca blurted without thinking. He had never seen brown eyes before. He didn't quite understand colors but he knew brown was the color of mud because his mother always reminded him.

 Luca put his hand over his mouth immediately and was cursing himself. Why was he so stupid? Why would Alessio even care?

Then Alessio did something that he would have never expected and neither did Luca. He laughed. Of course, he had laughed before but he can't remember the last time it was genuine. It wasn't a full-hearted laugh it was a small laugh but you know what they saw one small laugh for a man one giant leap for relationships.

A/N: Jk It's one small step for man one giant leap for mankind. Pls don't ever say that don't be idiotic like me 

I apologize for not updating my brain refused to cooperate but I'm back!!


P:S of the P:S I'm going to start introducing Matt Sandro and my fav Andres soon. I just thought Luca and Ales needed some bonding time

You'll Always Have My Shoulder When You CryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon