The Glass Cabin

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Luca smiled because Alessio wanted to take him somewhere special and that made him feel special

Alessio carried a flushed Luca. Luca was so red Alessio was starting to think he might secretly be a tomato and then the sad truth hit him.

'He's never been carried before'

Alessio stopped at a glass house which was completely for star gazing purposes. Sando got it as a birthday present for Alessio. Whenever Alessio would get a nightmare Sandro would take him here.

They stepped into the glass cabin. Luca was still buried in Alessio's chest so he couldn't see the stars. There was a mattress there and Alessio gently put Luca down. Luca clung to him thinking he would go away. Alessio couldn't help but smile at that. Luca wanted him to be here. Luca's eyes were still shut because he was afraid.

"Luca I'm going to go and get some pillows and a blanket. I'll be right back" Alessio took Luca's arm off his waist and put him on the matress. He then hurried and went to get the pillows and blankets in the cupboard. When he came he saw Luca smile.

 Alessio arranged the pillows and blankets around Luca on the mattress. "Are you comfortable?"

Luca nodded and his smile widened as he snuggled into the pillows, his eyes were still shut tightly but his grip on the blankets tightened. Alessio cautiously lay on the bed beside Luca, careful not to startle him. He shifted slightly to make himself more comfortable, keeping distance between them. It was still...awkward.

 Alessio was shocked when Luca came closer to him. Hell, even Luca was shocked. Luca was scared from his nightmare and he trusted Alessio more than anyone in the world right now. He still knew Alessio would get fed up with him and not like him later but for now, he would enjoy not getting hurt or someone caring for him even if that lasted only a few months.

Alessio's heart skipped a beat as he looked down at Luca, who had come closer to him and was now...hugging him? 

"Luca..." Alessio's voice trailed off, he didn't know what to say.

Luca was confused when Alessio said that he was his dad he wasn't sure if dad meant daddy. His mother—Emily (hate that bitch)— said that his father left him and that it was his father's fault that he got hurt 

And then, to Alessio's surprise, Luca's lips parted, and a soft, hesitant voice emerged. ""Alessio's breath caught in his throat. 

'He can speak? Wait he spoke to ME? I should speak back. Wait what was the question again? How do I speak? What do I say? He asked me—'

"Luca, I..." Alessio's voice faltered, unsure of how to answer such a complex question from a four-year-old.  How the hell is he supposed to say it? 

'Oh hey, Luca so your mom never told me she was pregnant she ran away and the day you were born she sent me a letter with a blood sample saying that she was going to abuse you for the rest of your life. Also yeah I'm your dad because I had sex with your mother. TTYL. Fuck parenting is hard'

He reached out and gently brushed Luca's hair, searching for the right words. He couldn't think of anything so he used the middle school rule. If you don't know the answer ask a question.

"What do you mean, bud? He mentally cringed at the nickname it was what Matt calls him when he goes all therapy mode.

"I-I uh" Luca stuttered and he played with Alessio's shirt nervously.

"I'm your daddy but..." He cursed himself and sighed how the fuck was he going to explain this? "I don't know how to explain it but I'm going to try. Your mom took you away and she uh didn't tell me about you. I tried to find you but..." Alessio's voice cracked a bit 

"Are you... my daddy now?"Luca was too curious to stutter and he wasn't that afraid of Alessio 

"Yeah" He said it so softly that if Luca wasn't hugging him he wouldn't have heard it 

Alessio thought that Luca would be mad. Mad for leaving him with Emily (the bitch). MAd for not protecting him but instead....Luca fell asleep on Alessio's chest 

 He looked down at the peaceful expression on Luca's face, his small body curled up against him, and felt a lump form in his throat. Luca looked like a normal kid. One that hasn't been abused and scared his whole life

"O-okay..." Luca whispered softly, Alessio got a miny heart attack he thought luca was asleep. "I want you to be my daddy."

And now he had a big heart attack. Alessio's eyes were a bit teary. Luca deserved so much more he was so innocent 

Gently wiping away a tear that threatened to fall, Alessio held Luca close. He wished he could turn back time, erase all the pain and hurt, and give Luca a fresh start without any trauma. He absently mindingly gently stroked Luca's hair. Luca looks so much like him. He had the same dark rich brown that looked like chocolate brown in the sunlight. And his eyes the same dark hazel brown which were now staring at him.

"Are you sleepy?" Alessio gently brushed Luca's hair, feeling a mix of fucked up emotions as he held his son close. 

Luca shook his head. Alessio was a bit disappointed Luca never spoke but he knew he couldn't force him to talk. He would hate it when people would ask him to speak

"Okay, do you wanna watch the stars?" Alessio saw Luca bite his lip as if he were afraid to ask him something.

"Luca you know you can always ask me any question right"

He shook his head. Luca didn't mean to fall asleep on Alessio's chest its just that Alessio was so warm and cuddly. Alessio smiled as he felt Luca's weight gradually shift against him, the rhythm of his breathing slowing down as he drifted off to sleep. Alessio gently adjusted his position to ensure Luca was comfortable and it didn't hurt his ribs. Alessio's hoodie looked so big on him.

Alessio locked the glass cabin's door and went back to the main house entrance. The guard looked shocked to see one of their bosses carrying a kid. Alessio royally ignored them and went to the mansion. Sandro and Matt were talking about something

"Hey—" Matt began. Why the fuck are they up at 4 in the morning 

"—Luca's sleeping shut up" Alessio wisphered shouted to Matt

"Aww. He looks so cute. Wow! He looks exactly like you" Matt whispered while Alessio rolled his eyes.

"No shit Sherlock" Alessio said leaving the living room. He took Luca to his room and gently placed him down on his bed. 

"Don' go pleaws" Luca mumbled and clung to Alessio's shirt. Alessio kissed his son's forehead and brushed a stray lock from his forehead. He lay down on his cozy comfy bead and not that back pain inducing couch

"I wont" Alessio whispered. Alessio meant it no matter how many times he wanted to take a knife and stab himself in the heart and end it all he wouldn't because Luca needed him and apart from Matt and Sandro he just found a new person to live for.


okay so I uploaded a new story it's the same thing except the lost one (chosen one)is a 14 year old teen boy who is sassy depressed and very sarcastic. Check it out when ur free!!

Also genuine question did no one like the chap past is past

Byee feel free to msg me for anything 

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