The "Monster" in my closet (Chat Noir)

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(Hiya another story from my past being moved here. It's not much of a one-shot but idk maybe you'll like it.)


All my life people always told me that monsters live in closets, but I never believed them. I guess mine had been abandoned for a long time because I was never scared and I always left my closet doors open, still do.

Today was the day I moved out to my own house, I had everything in my new house. Everything except a closet because my house is old and doesn't have a walk-in closet. I decided to go to go to a charity shop. (Thrift shop or op shop)

I had to go to three different op shops till I found the most beautiful old closet. I had to get them to send it to my house but now I have a closet. It got sent to me and placed in my room.

That night I put clothes on my closet, kept the doors open and went to bed. At about 11 pm, I woke up, looked at my closet and saw two big green eyes. 'Closet monsters aren't real, fox!' I think to myself.

I heard a ..... meow?
Yeah, a meow I walked over to my closet and looked inside expecting a little kitty.

"Here little kitty kitty!" I move a dress.

"Ah, um big? Kitty? Who the heck are you? Why are you in my house?"

A boy in a cat costume was sleepily sitting in my closet. 'He's kinda cute. No fox, he's an intruder.' I think to myself. He stretched.

"Um, I'm chat noir and um, I fell asleep in here after a fight, um, this isn't the room I fell asleep in."

"You weren't in there when I brought this or when I put my clothes in here."

"Where am I?"

"Ah, my house, in Melbourne"

"Melbourne? What's that?"

"It's a city in Victoria, Australia, you know the place you're in right now?"

"But I was in Paris?!"

"Haha, wait you're serious?"

"Yeah." *Beep beep* "Ah, no!" He said then his clothes changed, and he didn't have a mask or cat ears anymore.


"Shh I know it's weird but I can explain." He said then a black thing came out of nowhere and started yelling at him. "You can't tell her remember?"

"Well, it's too late now. I'm a magic superhero that looks like a cat ok."

"Oh I must be dreaming, so ah, good night, chat."

"Actually, my name is Adrien. Chat is my hero name."

"Oh, well good night there is the couch over there and blankets in the cupboard."

"Ok, night my lady."

I just nod and go to sleep.

In the morning I woke up with something lying on my bed. I turn and see a boy sleeping in a ball purring. I jump out of bed. He woke up. "Wah? Oh ah, sorry did I startled You, my lady?"

"Yeah, I thought I said on the couch, also my name is Fox, ok?......... Wait I thought you were a dream?"

"Oh ah, you... Hehe, sorry, I guess the cat side of me took over. What a pretty name my lady."

I huff then turn around grabbing clothes.

"I'm getting ready to go out. When I come home I expect you out of here."

"But where would I go? I've never been here?"

"Fine, you can stay but I have rules. I'll make a poster of them when I get back mister."

"What will I do till you get back?"

"Urg I'm going shopping so you can come if you want?"

He nods. we go shopping. Turns out he's kinda funny and really friendly. We have a lot in common.


You know what I suck at writing stories. I thought this would be cute but it's not.

Love you guys
Bye - Drew X


Hi, Drew from 2022 here, hope this wasn't too hard to read.

I probably wrote this in 2016, so I was like 16/17 at the time and honestly, I think it's too bad to fix.

I fixed some grammar and other mistakes but something still feels off.

I'm sorry, this wasn't meant to be a one-shot but I never continued.


Once again


Drew X

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