Saucer Pass

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It's finally game day and Tye has to be at the arena basically all day to prepare.

The Boulders first playoff game against Houston is at 7:00 PM, but Tye has been with the team since 9:00 AM for media and last minute video review. With a couple of food breaks graciously provided to them by the team, he doesn't end up getting back home until a little after 4:00 PM. This allows him just enough time for a pre-game nap before heading straight back to the arena.

Moss was originally going to give Tye some space to let him focus, but his plan is quickly derailed by his boyfriend convincing him to take a pre-game nap together.

After their short slumber, Tye gets into his suit and heads out the door with a kiss for good luck. Putting on his favorite black jeans and Martel jersey, Moss leaves about an hour later when Lars comes by to pick him up.


Lars is kind enough to give Moss a ride to the arena where he leads him to another private suite that sponsors usually sit in. Unfortunately, Lars and Addie will be sitting elsewhere for tonights game since they need to show their faces subsequently leaving Moss to his own devices. He doesn't mind the lack of company and is just grateful to be able to attend the game at all.

His mom had called him earlier that day and asked when he would be arriving in Denver to watch one of the playoff games. Moss explained that he didn't have a plane ticket booked yet and that he may be able to visit sometime next week, but there was no guarantee. He still doesn't feel up to being with his family at the moment, so he continues to lie about his whereabouts.

The first playoff game is incredibly eventful with the two energetic teams flying around the ice determined to claim the first of the four wins needed to move on to the next round. There was a tense moment where it looked like the Boulders' starting goalie, Vanko, pulled something and wouldn't be able to continue through the rest of the game. Thankfully, he was able to shake off whatever pain he was feeling and stood tall for all three periods to secure the 4-2 win over Houston.

Tye had gotten a goal and two assists which made Moss feel an immense amount of pride for his boyfriend. He so badly wants to join Addie and the WAGs, who were sat in their own suite, on their trip down to the locker room to congratulate the boys after the win. However, Moss reminds himself that it's important he tells Shane and Eli about his relationship first. Once they know, then he can participate in the festivities for the rest of the playoffs.

Sitting by himself in the sponsor suite, he decides that he'll bring this up to Tye as soon as they both return home tonight.


Moss Ubers back to the house after the game, not wanting to have to wait up for Tye or the Larsson's to conclude their post-game celebrations.

He showers to pass the time and puts on one of Tye's new 2023-24 playoff t-shirts that the league had given to the team, but Moss claimed as his own. Hopping into a pair of sweatpants that were laying on the ground by their bed, he then puts on his fuzzy socks and ambles his way downstairs.

Grabbing a cold beer from the kitchen, he tends to the fire and puts on some random action movie that looks like it started awhile ago.

Almost as soon as he sits down, he hears the garage open. Turning his head to watch the door that leads from the kitchen into the garage, he sees Tye enter with a pleased smile on his face.

Jumping up and off of the couch, Moss practically body slams the hockey player while shouting his congratulations on the win. Moss meets him in the middle for a passionate kiss before breaking it to usher him to the couch. He hands Tye the cold beer he had gotten out not too long ago and presses himself as close as possible to the man still in his game day suit.

Tye is beaming at him as he drags Moss' legs over his lap and cracks open the Miller Lite he was just given.

"Thanks, sweets. I think you being there tonight gave me some good luck," he takes a large gulp before handing it to Moss who mimics the big swig he had taken from the can.

The couple chats about the game and how the boys celebrated afterward. Tye jokes about how Landry gave an overly sentimental speech which everyone in the locker room cheered for clearly running on adrenaline.

"You should've heard him," Tye says chuckling at the memory before deepening his voice to imitate Landry, "He was like- I love you, boys. The vibe is off the charts in this locker room. We can fucking do it this year!"

Moss' cheeks hurt from how much he's been smiling today. He feels like he's on the same wavelength as Landry at this point with the whole off the chart vibes thing he was talking about.

When Moss has been filled in on the antics from the night, Tye presses his forehead against the smaller mans. Their soft breaths intermingle as they lean against one another and bask in a much needed moment of silence after a day full of noise and excitement.

Feeling bold, Moss brings up his plan that he thought up earlier, "I was thinking- maybe we can have Shane and Eli over after practice tomorrow for lunch."

"Yeah?" Tye opens his tired eyes to look at him.

Nodding his head, Moss continues, "Yeah. I want to tell them so I can sit with Addie and the WAGs. If I text them tonight or tomorrow I think they're going to make an excuse not to come over, though."

Tye's grip on Moss' thighs tighten slightly as he responds, "Put me in a group chat with you three. I'll make sure they come over after practice."

To: shaney-boy; elly-boy; Tye>:) <3

Congrats on the win tonight!

I'm in town right now staying with Tye. Can you 2 make it over for lunch after practice tomorrow?

A reply comes a couple minutes later.


we're gonna be kind of tired mo

maybe we can see you after the game on tuesday


we have plans

These were the responses that Moss was expecting so he looks over to his boyfriend to ask what he thinks he should say, but sees that he is already typing out a response.


It'll be a short lunch

Follow me back from practice tomorrow and we won't keep you for too long

Eli likes Tye's message telling them to follow him after practice and Shane doesn't respond at all.

"I'll talk to him tomorrow and make sure he comes with," Tye reassures while tugging Moss closer so they can relax and watch the rest of whatever movie Moss had put on before while they finish the rest of the can of beer.

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