Red Light

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Moss' arm is still interlocked with Addie's when they enter the designated WAG suite. It looks like most of the girls are already present to watch warmups and mingle before the game.

The group seemed to have been waiting for their arrival because all eyes are on them as they make their way in. Addie notices this too and gives Moss a reassuring pat on the arm before releasing him and stepping forward to address everyone.

"Hi girls, it's lovely to see you all here again!" She raises her voice slightly so they can hear her. "This is Moss- please don't overwhelm him. I know everyone is eager to talk to him and make a good impression, but I think it would be best if we introduce ourselves one by one."

With that, they all go around the room introducing themselves and saying who their husband or boyfriend is along with what position they play. Moss tries his hardest to memorize faces, names and significant others, but it's a futile attempt. He knows that he'll need to review names again when it's just him and Addie some other time.

The girls are all incredibly kind and welcoming as they enthusiastically introduce themselves. Some of the WAGs that have been around for awhile even tell anecdotes about Tye that make Moss laugh and feel at ease with the group.

Eventually, the crowd around him begins to dissipate and he breaks off into conversation with three of the girls. He remembers their names from their introductions and also when Addie replied to them in the group chat.

The one girlfriend, Roksana, had pulled Moss to the bar to take a Kamikaze shot with her once the group around him began to disperse. She has a thick Russian accent and seems much older than twenty-six with the way she holds herself while also looking young and elegant. Besides himself, Roksana is the only significant other with brown hair- everyone else is blonde. After their shot she looks him in the eyes intensely and says, "I go to games sometimes and, it's like, I get bored and want bed. You make games more interesting, yes?"

Moss really enjoys talking with her. He immediately notices how witty and intelligent she is as she analyzes the Boulders power play unit while sneaking in lighthearted jabs at some of the players. The main target of Roksana's teasing seems to be her own boyfriend, Alexander Vasili, who she refers to by his Russian nickname, Sasha. Moss knows that Sasha plays on the second line with Shane and sets up most of the plays that allows his brother to score.

"John told me that their coach is convinced that the refs are purposefully giving Houston more power plays," Melanie Evans adds in a tone that suggests that she just provided them with top secret information.

Melanie is undeniably the biggest gossip of the quartet that Moss is currently part of. She is thirty-one years old and married to the other half of Tye's defensive pair. Tye and John, Moss notes that his boyfriend usually calls him Ev, have been a defensive pair on the Boulders for the last three seasons.

Having known Tye over that period of time, Melanie tells stories about having him over for dinner and says that he is like a little brother to her. She also reveals that Tye brought his last girlfriend on a double date with her and Ev.

According to Melanie, the girl seemed very manipulative and possessive over Tye during this date. John apparently confirmed to her that Tye confided in him about those particular tendencies as well. After giving some details about the nightmare double date, Melanie expresses how thrilled she is that Tye has finally picked a respectable partner to settle down with.

Flattered by this sentiment, Moss smiles and begins to thank her when she continues her excited rambling.

"Of course- as soon as I told John that Tye got a boyfriend, he said that he could tell that something was up with him recently. Even before Houston, he told me that he got the vibe that Tye was in a relationship because he seemed happier than usual and lovesick the way that Marcus has been for the last year or so."

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