Freezing the Puck

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The Boulders lose game two to the Hogs the next day.

Shane and Eli look particularly terrible with both of them missing passes and causing turnovers. Anyone watching can see how visibly frustrated Shane is as one of his turnovers leads to a goal against which ends up being the game winner for Houston. When the third period comes to a close, the camera shows Shane smashing his stick against the bench until it snaps in half and then stomping off into the locker room ahead of the rest of the team.

Even the way that Tye's playing is noticeably different than his usual style. He's managed to register more hits in this game alone than he has in any regular season or playoff game that he's ever been in since entering the NHL.

Moss is glad that he chose to watch the game from the comfort of Tye's house rather than braving the sponsor suite again.

The morning after the loss is quiet as Moss and Tye spend time together before the team flies to Houston to play the next two games of the series.

Tye has been coddling Moss ever since the lunch from Hell that they had with Shane and Eli. He's working overtime doing damage control for the mess that Shane had left in the wake of his clear disapproval of their relationship.

Muting the Kettler family members and their group chat on Moss' phone was one of the first things that Tye did once the man weeping in his arms started to calm down about an hour after his brothers had left. Blocking their numbers entirely would probably be taking it too far, but he can't say he wasn't tempted to do so.

"I need a new kitchenware set. Help me pick something out, sweets," Tye had even tried distracting him with retail therapy at one point. This sort of worked, but only temporarily. As soon as Moss chose a kitchenware set to order after looking at numerous reviews, his eyes returned to their previous faraway state.

They cuddle all morning, but Tye eventually has to leave to meet the team at the airport. Before heading out, he promises Moss that he'll FaceTime him as soon as he's at the hotel.

Moss is laying in bed with the covers practically up to his chin staring at Tye with the most desolate-looking eyes that Tye has ever seen on his boyfriend.

He's leaned over and is brushing the curly hair out of Moss' face as he peppers his forehead, nose and cheeks with kisses. "I promise I'll FaceTime as much as I can while I'm there. You're gonna get sick of me with how much I call you," he whispers gently.

"I'll miss you. Get two quick wins and come right back," Moss tries to joke back, but it falls flat with the indisputable sadness in his voice.

After a long and drawn out goodbye, Tye forces himself to leave so he can meet the team at the airport.

A half hour later, Moss hears the doorbell ringing and rapid knocking coming from the front of the house. He gets out of bed and makes his way to the front entrance to see who is interrupting his sulking. 

Opening the door, he sees Shane standing there with his hands now in his front sweatshirt pocket rather than banging at the door and ringing the bell like he was for the last minute or so. Moss instinctively lessens the gap of the door, ready to shut and lock it if he needs to. Shane scoffs at this and pushes his way into the entryway of Tye's house.

Moss feels like a deer in headlights and his heart is racing like crazy as he stares up at his little brother who has a look of apparent irritation on his face.

"Your boy isn't here?" Shane asks looking around as if Tye would suddenly appear.

 Moss crosses his shaky arms over his stomach protectively, "He left for the airport a bit ago."

"I'll keep this short then," Shane looks him in the eyes haughtily. "Now is not the time for you to go on some sexuality journey and slut yourself out to my teammates."

Feeling his body go numb, Moss tries to mentally prepare himself for whatever nauseating sentiments are about to leave his brothers mouth.

"I've never had anything against Tye, but he's been a massive asshole since the other day. This whole situation is ridiculous- your one month relationship is not more important than our playoff run right now. I need you to have the biggest fucking reality check. You live in a different state and have your little nine to five to keep you busy. Tye is constantly traveling and has a schedule that you'll never be able to keep up with."

Shane's voice steadily begins to raise in volume as he continues to rant.

"And, to let you in on a secret, a lot of NHLers cheat on their girls when we're out of town. I'm sure Tye has contacts in most of the cities we travel to. You need to understand that he isn't going to be a permanent part of your life and none of this is worth the trouble you're stirring up with the team."

Moss flinches at the harsh words.

"Now- we just played our worst game of the entire year because of what you did to the team dynamic. The only way you can fix your fuck up is if you end it with Tye and leave us all the fuck alone."

Feeling as if he's having an out of body experience, Moss is speechless and doesn't know how to respond. He isn't crying, but his hands are shaking and he can't figure out if his legs are shaking as well.

Shane gazes at him with cold eyes, "I used to look up to you. It's crazy how much of a fucking loser you turned into when you couldn't handle me and Eli succeeding. I hope you do the right thing for once so we have a chance at winning the first round like we were always meant to."

He has one foot out the door as he delivers the last sentence. After sizing Moss up and shaking his head in disdain, he slams the door shuts with finality and eventually speeds off in his car.

Moss stands in the entryway trembling for an inordinate amount of time before pulling out his phone and booking a ticket from Denver to Detroit.

He then schedules an Uber to pick him up in a couple of hours and mechanically packs his suitcase and backpack. Purposefully leaving behind his Martel jersey and other clothing items that he stole from his soon-to-be-ex, he officially feels as empty as his bags.

Boarding the plane later that evening, an incoming FaceTime call lights up his phone. He declines the call, copies and pastes one of the messages he wrote out in his notes app and sends it to Tye.

To: Tye>:) <3

Heading back to Detroit. I think we should take a break so you can focus on playoffs.

Tye's read receipt shows that he saw the message and three dots appear on the screen, signaling that he is typing.

Moss shuts down his phone and closes his eyes as he waits for the plane to take off.

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