Chapter 4- Moving In

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When we got to the house, I opened my door and stepped out. At that moment I wanted to be alone, not to cry, I was strong, and I kept repeating that to myself.

"Please show me my room." It was stated in the contract that we weren't engaged in any romantic affair, I wasn't to expect anything like we were in some sort of relationship, our relationship was strictly based on whatever was contained in the document, one of which was that I shouldn't expect that we share a room.

We weren't married, he didn't want a wife.

"Show her to her room." He said to one of the maids who came out as soon as our vehicle came to a stop.

She just nodded and told me to follow her which I did without any complaint.

When we stopped at a door she opened it for me and asked if I needed any other thing which I told her no that I wanted to be alone.

I  got into the room and noticed that my things were already settled there and some things that didn't look like mine but fit well in the room, I guess they were brought here by Markus's order.

I walked to the bed and laid myself on my back, I was just staring at the ceiling when I felt a single tear drop falling into my ear, I've told myself countless times that I was strong, but now that I was alone and faced with the reality of my life, I couldn't help but feel broken.

I cried until the only thing I could hear were silent hiccups. Then I fell asleep.

I was woken by a knock on my door, I didn't want to be disturbed. " Go away." I tried to say but my voice only came out in a cracked whisper. I didn't want to open the door up for whoever was there.

But the person wouldn't go away and persistently kept knocking. I just ignored it.

"Ma'am please I brought you your food, am sure you haven't had anything to eat, could you please just open the door?" I heard a timid voice speak from outside, it was true that I hadn't had the time to eat but that didn't mean I had an appetite for food.

I still ignored her but she wouldn't go away. I stood from the bed ready to vent my anger on her but when I opened the door, I calmed down immediately, the girl sat with a tray of food on her lap by the door and one could tell she didn't plan to leave soon.

I calmed myself down and asked her to come in, it wasn't her fault my life was going the way it was, and I didn't have the right to be angry at her.

" Am sorry ma'am, I just wanted you to eat something. I know you're feeling sad, but just a little would be fine." She said and I couldn't help but agree with her, if I wanted to win whatever war was coming, I had to fight for it.

Whether I liked it or not. So I asked her to drop the food by the bedside table and then I stood up to eat. I was surprised she didn't leave.

I didn't question it, I just ate quietly until I couldn't stomach anymore. I then told her to take the plates out that I didn't need any more food and also no one should bother me.


It's been three weeks since my mom's burial, three weeks since I moved in with Markus, and three weeks of me avoiding him at all cost.

I wasn't ready and I knew his patience was running thin, he didn't look to me like a patient man.

I knew I couldn't run forever because we made a deal and he kept his promise, it was left for me to play my part.

That was why I decided that I was going to go to him tonight. As simple as that was to say I just couldn't bring myself to go to him, what was I going to say?..."hey am ready for you to get me pregnant." I kept pacing around my room, I was feeling so nervous am sure it was written all over my face.

I knew he wasn't home yet but would be arriving any moment.

This would be my first time and I've always dreamed of my first time being something special, but unfortunately, that wasn't the case for me.

I looked at the lingerie I laid on the bed, it was so provocative.

I looked at it and without thinking much I let the robe I was covering fall off my body revealing my naked self then I put on the lingerie, which was red, and I applied light perfume and sweet lip gloss.

After doing everything I went back to the bed and sat down. By now I knew he was back from work but I wasn't brave enough to go to him.

I thought of taking alcohol but I knew I was going to make a fool of myself. I checked the time and it was 11:43 pm almost morning.

What if he was tired and didn't want me now? I asked myself, what if the timing is just wrong? Finally summoning up enough courage, I picked up the robe and covered what I was wearing under, walked to my door, took a deep breath, and opened it.
As I walked towards Markus's room I heard noises coming from his room like someone was in pain, my first thought was that maybe Markus had been hurt or he was sick, but as I got closer and the noises were clearer it didn't sound like someone in pain, no it sounded like someone near the peak of pleasure.

There was a female voice mixed with that of Markus and just like it was planned for me to see, the door was opened and Markus was buried balls deep into a woman.


Thank you for reading, what's your thoughts on this chapter.

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