Chapter 85- Father and His Child Talk

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Why would Markus joke with something as serious as this and in a time like this?

" Markus, why are you joking? it's not funny," I said to him as I watched him quietly.

" Oh shit, there should be roses and all, this isn't the perfect proposal I dreamt of but I just couldn't help myself. As long as I spend the rest of my life with you, I'll spend every day giving you roses." His words were so sweet that for a moment I just closed my eyes to imagine what a forever with Markus would look like.

" Markus I don't want you to make a rash decision, you're not thinking straight," I said to him as my hand ran through his hair.

" Jane, I've never been so sure about anything in my life, I need you to know that I'm in my right senses and I'll ask this question over and over again until I get an answer from you," He said with so much confidence and when I looked into his eyes I couldn't find any lie.

" Are you sure?" I asked for the last time giving him a chance to change his mind even though I knew his mind was already made up.

" Nothing is going to change my mind, I want you forever," He said as he tried to kiss me but we both burst into laughter because the baby chose that moment to kick.

Markus's hand rested on my stomach as he looked at my stomach in adoration.

" Hey my little angel, daddy can't wait to meet you, you know daddy loves you right," As if to affirm the words of a caring father the baby kicked and Markus's face covered with a smile, and I saw tears gather in his eyes.

" I promise you, my child, I'll always be by your side," He whispered like a secret he wanted only his child to hear.

" I think it's time for us to go, we've taken enough of your work time," I said as I stood up with his help.

" Well I don't mind having you in my office at all you can stay for as much as you want," Markus said but I had plans, and I needed to put a few things in place.

" There's something I haven't told you yet," I said to Markus remembering that I was yet to tell him about my bakery.

" What is it?" Markus asked as he looked at me in question.

" I've wanted to tell you this, but I just didn't find the right time to tell you, I've been working on opening a bakery for a while, all that's left is to hire a few employees, and put everything I'll need in place to have it running,"  I said with a smile, talking about my bakery always brings me a type of fulfillment that was unexplainable.

" That's amazing, you should have told me sooner but either way I'm still happy for you, if there's any way you need me to help you, I'll be here for you, I'm proud of you," He said as he patted my head with affection.

Markus walked me out of his office and I thought he was going to stop at the elevator but he didn't, he got into the elevator with me, and down till we were on the ground floor of the company.

Some of his staff were glancing at us but they were trying so hard to make it look like they were minding their business.

" I'll see you later okay, do take care of yourself," Markus said as he opened the car door for me and then he helped me get in.

I waved at him before he closed the car door and the driver drove off heading to our destination.

I had a meeting with someone who would help me with my bakery because I wouldn't be able to start working in the bakery immediately but I needed someone to manage the place for me until I give birth and recover.

And Rena would be part of the team that supervises the place for me, I needed my bakery to be in good hands. Speaking of which, I needed to call her. She's been gone for two weeks to take care of her mom who had surgery. I didn't know when she would be coming back.

" Hello Rena," I greeted in glee as soon as she picked up, I had missed her.

" Oh my god Jane it feels like it has been ages since we talked," she said and I could also hear her excitement through her voice.

" How's your mom doing?" I asked

" Well thanks to you with the money you lent me I was able to take care of all her treatments, I'm really grateful for this which you have done for me, I can't take it for granted, thank you so much, Jane," I could hear her voice breaking like she wanted to cry.

" Come on Rena, don't make me cry, you know you're like a sister to me and I love you, anything that makes you happy makes me happy,"

She told me her mother was getting better and she would be home the next week but she didn't tell me what day specifically.

I got to the location where the guy Lola gave me his number agreed to meet with me, he would be responsible for helping me recruit workers for my bakery.

" Hello sorry I'm late," I said as I took a seat opposite him while I waved a waitress over.

" Please can I get a bottle of water, I'm thirsty,"

" Alright Ma, just give me a minute," she said before going to get me water.

" I'm sorry about that, pregnancy makes me extra everything," I said and he chuckled.

" Well let's get to the business of today,"

" Alright, so basically, I want people who are good enough, I want people who are passionate about their job, you know what I mean, this is something you're used to right?" We discussed other things that needed to be talked about before he bid me bye making his way out of the cafe.

There was one more person I needed to see before I left this place, it was time for me to let go.

It was time to be free.

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