Chapter 39- The Unplanned Guest

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This bastard just touched the lion's tail. If anything should happen to my child or Jane, I would personally set him on fire. It was a promise.

The ambulance drove to the hospital as the doctors got busy with her, it was a good thing there was nothing serious. She was just injected with a drug that made her go unconscious but I hope it didn't affect the child in any way.

" Please be careful, she is pregnant," I said to the doctors as she was lifted from the ambulance onto a stretcher and wheeled to a room.

More doctors joined as they examined her making sure she was okay as I waited patiently for them. Soon enough they were done with whatever they were doing and only had a drip hooked to her wrist, according to them it was to reduce whatever drug they injected in her so she could wake up sooner.

" How is she and the baby?" I asked the doctor as soon as he walked out.

" She's in good condition? We just need to wait for her to wake up." He said as he gave me a nod before walking off.

I entered the room and there she was lying down on the bed with her eyes closed, good thing she was breathing. And it was a good thing the baby was also okay.

I sat down on the chair by her bed and stared down at her, Murphy was in for trouble, I would make sure he paid for what he had done, he just signed his own dead papers.

" Get as many men as you can, we have someone to visit." There was one person I knew Jane liked so much, her maid. She had to come take care of her while I took care of some important business.

" Also make sure my wife…" Wait what? Wife?..."make sure to have Jane's room heavily guarded." I said before ending the call.

I marched outside the hospital. My car was already taken from the restaurant and brought to the hospital and I knew just where to be. The bastard.

I pushed the door of his office open and the bastard was seated like he knew I would come.

" Am guessing you got my message?" He asked with a smirk.

" The message was gotten, but since we're playing dirty why don't I return the favor?" I asked as I took a seat in front of him.

" What favor might you want to return?" He asked with so much confidence like I couldn't have anything against him, like I didn't have anything against him, if only he knew.

" Murphy Brown, you did me wrong."

" I warned you, but you didn't take my warning seriously, I had to show you what I was capable of. Since you're a stubborn man, I had to show you I was worse." He said the smirk still not leaving his face, well that wouldn't last long if he knew what I had for him. He even dared to sip whiskey in front of me.

" Do you by chance know her?" I asked as I kept a picture in front of him, when his eyes caught sight of the person in the picture his facial expression didn't change but like always I knew when someone was hiding something. He knew the girl in the picture he didn't want to give that away.

" And who is she? He asked me as he removed his eyes from the picture, looking at me like he was expecting me to give him an answer he already knew.

He would do that.

" That Mr Murphy is your daughter, the one you have hidden so well for years because of your involvement in many dirty deeds, you have enemies, they weren't able to find her, but I did. I got your warning well, I hope you get mine." It was my time to smirk as I watched him clench his fist and as much as he tried to hide the fire in his eyes I saw it.

Knowing that he had gotten my message I stood up leaving the picture for him.

" And oh, don't think you can hide her, I'll always find her," I said before finally opening the door, and walking away.

If that wasn't warning enough and he came anywhere near the mother of my child I wouldn't just be sending him a picture of her in a fancy mall, I would do worse. I don't give empty threats.

My phone vibrated in my pocket and I brought it out to see it was a call from one of my guards.

" She's awake boss." He said and I ended the call as soon as I got the information I needed.

I opened my car and got in driving straight to the hospital.

As I opened the door to the room Jane was staying in, her maid was with her and they were both involved in a discussion, they hadn't noticed me. But as soon as they did, the room became tense and her maid jumped from where she was seated and gave way.

As I sat down beside Jane, she sat up and the maid used the opportunity to get out of the room. Not like I expected her to stay.

" How are you feeling?" I asked her, she looked fine to me, if anything had happened to my child, Murphy would have been ashes by now.

" Am fine." She simply responded as she drew the comforter up her chin.

" The doctor said you can leave now." There was no damage done so there was no need to stay here any longer, if there was a need for any other treatment, it could be done at home.

" Okay, I'll just change from the gown." She said referring to the hospital gown she was given to wear.

When she had changed we walked side by side towards the exit and then I opened the car door for her to get in which she did silently. I remember she always thanked me anytime I did that for her, what changed?

Not thinking much of it, I walked around to the driver's side as I got in driving us home.

As soon as I parked my car in front of my house, I knew something was wrong. First, it was the cars parked outside, who could be in my house without my knowledge?

Jane opened the door and got out of the car and we both walked inside, my mind still wondering about the visitor I had without being informed. That was until I saw my guest.


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