|+. Coming out as a therian .+|

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Coming out as a therian can be hard and frustrating. But, with the right explanation, your parents/friends might support you! 

Step 1: Plan out what you're gonna say
This might be a longer-ish step than the others, but if you don't want to type out one, here's a template to use! <3

Template 1:
Hey {Friend/Family Name}, I need to tell you something.
Recently, I've felt weird and like I'm not in the correct body.
Which means that I am a therian.
A therian is {blah blah blah in your words}. Do you still support me no matter what? (hope this is good)

Step 2: Build the courage to tell your family/friend(s)
This might also be a hard step, but recite/practice the message/speech to help you!
Once you've got a grip, tell them. But tell them when it's more of a smaller area or privately over text.

Next up: QnA

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