What Kind Of Commerical Is This??? 🤨

19 7 11

Carriage Crossing Lane

Middletown, Connecticut

Clyde: *watching some unknown commercial*

Woman: Hi, I am Shelly Grant, and I am in charge of the Ignore People Purpose Fund. Folks, with your help, you can donate money to keep my organization going. Every little bit helps!

Clyde: I am not gonna donate any money!

Woman: Without your help, my organization will fall down the tubes! Please send money! You will get this Ignore People Purpose Fund tote bag, free of charge!

Clyde: Can someone hit this woman with a cartoon mallet? She's being stupid!

Woman: And, an added bonus.....

Man: *whacks the woman with a cartoon mallet*

Woman: *out cold with cartoon stars floating above her, and her tongue sticking out*

Clyde: Oh good, back to Walker Texas Ranger. That was a stupid commercial anyway.

This story was written on Saturday, February 3rd, 2024.

A/N That was a stupid commercial! You wouldn't catch me donating money to a stupid organization like that! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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