Bruce Didn't Cook His Cheese Sticks Right

11 4 11

Roberta Dr

Middletown, Connecticut

Bruce: *puts some Farm Rich cheese sticks in the oven*

Margaret: *Rhode Island accent* That's what you're having for lunch?

Bruce: Yeah. *gets a jar of Ragu meat sauce out of his cabinet*

Margaret: *Rhode Island accent* You're gonna dip those cheese sticks in that sauce?

Bruce: Uh huh. *opens the oven*

Margaret: *Rhode Island accent* I'd love to stay, but I have to go to Hartford. Take care, alright? *grabs her black, leather purse, leaves Bruce's house and closes the door*

Bruce: *takes the cheese sticks out* I'm famished! *touches the cheese sticks* They're still cold!!! I screwed up!!! *checks the box* They were supposed to stay in for 13 minutes! I'm so stupid! *throws the cheese sticks away*

Radio: *playing Eye Of The Tiger by Survivor*

This story was written on Thursday, February 15th, 2024. (National Flag Day Canada)

A/N Bruce, you need to check the cooking instructions carefully! Why don't you make yourself a sandwich or something? 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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