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Ten main categories and three huge categories.

A main category is exactly what it sounds like. They are the core categories with 10-15 slots.

The huge categories have more slots than the main categories and offer better prizes, but are far more competitive. It is a high risk high reward type of category.

They are not exclusive. What I mean by this is you have three submissions, so you can submit to both main and huge categories with different books. AKA: If you submit one book to a main category, you can still submit other books to the huge categories and vice versa. You don't have to stick with one or the other, you can submit to both with different books.

If you submit the same book twice, you will be rejected and will be forced to delete your previous forms and redo it.


Main Categories:

1) Short Stories (15 slots)

- I consider short stories anything under 20,000 words (I go based on word count, not chapter count). You can submit short stories anywhere, but this category is specifically for short stories.

- If you are submitting a oneshot compilation, that's fine as long as the chapter you want me to review is under 20k words. It doesn't matter if the entire compilation is over 20k in total as long as the chapter you submit isn't.

2) Sci-fi/Fantasy (15 slots)

3) Romance (15 slots)

4) Completed (10 slots)

- You can submit completed stories anywhere but the ongoing category, but this category is specifically for completed stories.

5) Ongoing (15 slots)

- Same as above. You can submit ongoing stories to any category except the completed one, but this category is specifically for ongoing stories.

6) Thriller/Mystery (10 slots)

7) Young Adult (12 slots)

8) Supernatural (Vampires, Werewolves, Hybrids, etc.) (10 slots)

9) Academic (any stories that are centered around academia) (10 slots)

- You can submit school AUs to any category, but this category is specifically for school AUs. It doesn't matter what genre the fic is as long as school is a central location or part of the story.

- For example, All of Us Are Dead, the zombie TV show, would be able to submit here because even though it's zombie/horror, the school is still a huge part of the story.

10) Trope Central (10 slots)

- Any story that is focused around a trope like enemies to lovers, CEO stories, friends to lovers, etc. This is a general category for any length/genre as long as the story is focused on a trope.

- I'm not talking about stories where the two leads share a bed for a chapter or two, I'm talking stories where the primary concept is centered around a trope. For example, my story Like Crazy would be eligible despite being a sci-fi/fantasy because it is centered around the enemies to lovers trope.

Huge Categories:

1) Best BTS Fanfic (20 slots)

- You can submit BTS fanfics anywhere, but this category is specifically for BTS fanfics. It's okay if other K-pop groups or idols make appearances in your story as long as the book is centered around BTS. 

- For example, if you have a book that has Namjoon as the main character and Lisa from BP as a side character, that's fine as long as the focus is on the BTS member.

- Or you're like me and Jackson Wang appears in all of your fanfics. That's fine as long as the focus is on BTS.

2) Best Non-BTS Fanfic (20 slots)

- You can submit non-BTS fanfics anywhere, but this category is specifically for non-BTS fanfics. Any K-pop related story is allowed in this category as long as it is not centered around BTS. BTS can still be in the story as long as they are not main characters (such as they have cameos or are side characters).

- For example, let's say you wrote a Lisa BP story but Namjoon is a side character. That's fine as long as Lisa is the focus and Namjoon isn't. They can be in the story, but they cannot be main characters.

3) Best Overall Fanfic (20 slots)

- Any K-pop fanfic regardless of who the lead characters are are accepted into this category.

Any genre of any length of any status (ongoing or complete) are accepted into all three of the huge categories.

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