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I hope you like tea, cause you're about to get it. 

This is for my records only, please do not send any hate or reports to anyone listed here. I do not endorse any hate or reports sent to these individuals. All the information and proof in this chapter were gathered via Wattpad, so none of the proof is off-site or private information.

Don't bother trying to tag these people. I have them blocked, so they won't see it anyway, and I also don't want to start more drama over situations that are (mostly) already handled. 

Again: This is only for records and not meant to slander anyone or cause any fights. Please be respectful and civil in the comments, and don't be rude to anyone listed here even though they were rude to me. Let's not sink that low.


- HammerHandedHeart

Why? Broke my one and only rule for my review shop, and when I confronted them about it, they refused to redo it and were rude about it. They also broke the rules of other contests and book clubs (not mine).

I gave them almost all the benefits of my review shop and was halfway through their review when they suddenly unfollowed me, which is my one and only payment. I already voted on their story, left some comments, followed back, and read the entire book. They got benefits from me, and then they unfollowed.

I got major red flags from this person when I was reading their book and saw how defensive they were to criticism. Should have listened to my gut.

It really says a lot about a person when they'd rather lose a follower, lose almost 30 votes, lose comments, lose a review, lose more followers from a public blacklisting, and be removed from other contests rather than follow one singular person...

- CamSchells

Why? Is a follow spammer. Unfollows ppl as soon as they follow back then cries about people unfollowing them. They don't "follow everyone" like their bio suggests. In fact, despite somehow having 9k followers, they only follow 200 people (as of March 2024).

Even though I have it very clearly stated in my bio that I don't like self-promo in my dms or on my mb, this person self-promoed in my dms TWICE, and when I told them to stop and I was unfollowing because they unfollowed me (they followed me first, mind you), they said "Lol okay your loss" then blocked me.

What loss? You cry about people promoing on your mb despite you promoing in people's dms. But it's okay when you do it, right?

Respect your followers. Some of them don't want to be bothered in dms, yet you do it anyway.

I don't have a ss of this convo because I can't be bothered to look for it tbvvh.

- Jikook_GotYourJams (AdinaAdiana)

Why? When they first judged one of my books, they were disrespectful/rude and claimed I was "attacking them" when they got something wrong about my story. They said I didn't describe my characters "at all," but the very first paragraph of the story they judged had a character description in it. 

If anyone here knows my writing, they know I describe my characters well. It's one thing if the judge thought they weren't described enough, but saying at all is just untrue and makes it seem like they didn't read the story, and they also took off three points for something that was untrue, hence why I was upset. That's a lot of points to lose over a false claim.

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