xv. of shakespeare and the final curtain

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—chapter xv. of shakespeare and the final curtain

tw: mention of suicide and grief

LORAINE WAS STARING holes into the ceiling while she waited for her friends in front of the washroom.

she had pretty much slept through majority of the afternoon, the crying making her tired, until she eventually got in the shower and got ready to go to the play.

"loraine" keating exclaimed smiling as he came around the corner

"mr keating" loraine mirrored his smile "and it's fine to call me lori if you'd like!"

"thank you" keating seemed honestly honored by that. "how are you feeling, dear?" the softness in his eyes almost made her cry all over again

"it's rough" loraine shrugged. "but it's alright"

"i'm really sorry" keating pushed his hands into the holes in his trousers "this was an awful act of psychic violence. neither of you deserved this"

loraine smiled at her favorite teacher, glad to hear his thoughts on the situation. she leaned back against the wall. "it's awful, but i don't think we will find who is behind this"

"well, i think we will" with that, keating reached into his pocket and pulled out a stash of paper "i saw harry bredston wandering around with these earlier, i figured quickly that they didn't belong to him" he held the papers in loraine's direction

loraine's eyes grew big. these were the love letters, the ones that harry had apparently stolen. and mr keating had just got them back for her. "mr keating!" loraine said surprised, taking the letters and checking if it were all the ones she was missing.

after she had indeed noticed that they were complete, another thought entered her head and she looked up. hesitantly she began to speak "did you.. read them?"

mr keating shook his head. "no, no" he smiled "that would've never crossed my mind"

loraine sighed relieved. it wasn't that she didn't trust keating, but these letters were private and it was enough that harry had read them.

"maybe tomorrow might be a good day to tell the headmaster who was behind this awful rumor" keating suggested

loraine nodded, pushing the letters into the pocket of her coat "maybe it is"

keating send her a last smile, before he turned around and walked away. "i forgot my scarf, i'll be right back"

loraine wondered if she had just imagined the scarf already dangling around his head.

not long after keating had been gone, the boys stumbled out of the washroom.

charlie, totally unbothered by the presence of his friends, threw an arm around loraine and kissed her. after loraine had been (kind of) forced to tell neil about their relationship, they decided to tell the rest of the group as well, deeming it unfair to leave them in the dark, well except for cameron, who's eyes almost popped out of his head at the sight in front of him.

"you didn't tell him?" loraine asked charlie when she noticed the look on cameron's face

charlie shrugged. "he's not my friend"

"your man just painted himself red" knox nudged loraine's arm

"what?" loraine giggled and turned her head to look at knox, who just pointed at charlie. "what does he mean?" loraine asked charlie amused

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