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This book is still in pause, but I wanted to release this chapter because it was completed and I didn't want to leave y'all hanging <3


When Diego and I get back to Abuela's, lunch is ready. Due to not keeping down dinner last night, I am starving.

However, I don't want to eat anything. Feeling hunger is so validating, especially after not feeling it for days. I missed it. As bad as that may sound, I missed my stomach cramping. I missed the miserableness I felt with an empty stomach. And I will do anything to bask in that feeling as long as I can.

I don't eat much lunch. Sitting with Diego and knowing he's seeing me eat sickens me. I'm unsure why because he's seen me eat so many times. Maybe it's because he put his full and total attention on me rather than scattering it out throughout the table.

After lunch, Mateo forces Diego and I outside to help collect more firewood. Since it's our last night here, we are having a huge bonfire. It's hard to find any firewood due to the snow dampening everything. Since we have no luck in finding dry, Diego decides to just get some from the store.

"You're coming with me, right?"

"Do you want me to?"

Diego rolls his eyes. His gorgeous, brown eyes. "I wouldn't ask if I didn't want you to." Maria bounces over, giving her brother a bright, braceful smile that we all can read. "You aren't even dressed." The girl looks down, frowning at her pajama pants. "If you don't meet us in the truck in 3 minutes, we're leaving you."

Maria smiles in satisfaction at getting her what before running off to change. Diego and I go into his truck and wait for the young girl. As we wait, a random topic floats between us. I smile at our closeness and listen.

However, I don't pay much attention to the words he's saying. I pay more attention to what's producing the words; his lips. Oh, the way they move. The way he purses them together. They way he glides his tongue across them, creating a glossy layer across the pink cushions.

Oh, Diego's lips are so...fascinating.

Why am I so drawn to the boys lips? I must've spaced out, right? That's what happened. I blanked out and coincidentally, his lips are what my eyes decided to fixate on. That makes perfect sense.



Though there is a crackling fire in front of me, I don't pay any attention to it. I don't pay attention to the flames dancing around. I don't pay attention to the rising smoke clouding the stars. I don't pay attention to anything or anyone.

Other than Diego, that is.

The fire laminates his face, causing an orange hue to cast over him. The softness and adoration in his eyes while chuckling with his younger siblings melts my heart. The coldness from the outside doesn't matter for a few moments due to the warmth pooling in my stomach at the sight of Diego.

The entire time, I just stare at the boy beside me. I don't care about roasting marshmallows or the random stories told. I don't care about the side conversations and smokey sky. I only care about Diego and how drawn I ma to him.

There's something about him that I've failed to notice out of all the years I've known him. I'm sure if my hatred taintedy view on him or not. But something about Diego is so... beautiful.

Beautiful is an understatement. Diego is absolutely breathtaking.

Are these thoughts platonic? I don't know. And quite frankly, I don't care. How can I care about anything when I'm sitting right next to such a gorgeous being?

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