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Y'all, I had rewrite this 3 times because I kept changing ideas😭 it's not as long as I wanted it to be, but ah well-

Enjoy <3


Diego's mood doesn't change much this next week. He was able to come back to school on Monday, but still didn't talk much. We texted more, but it's still barely any compared to our usual conversations.

Life hasn't been getting easier. If anything, I'm barely hanging on. My thoughts and insecurities are worsening by the day, and I can't take it anymore. Especially since I feel so lonely due to everyone dealing with their own issues right now.

I glance at my phone, paying no mind to it. Whoever is trying to contact me while I'm watching a serial killer documentary can wait. As I keep watching, my phone keeps glowing up and notifications roll in. With a huff, I pause my television and shift my attention to the device.

To my surprise, there are half a dozen missed calls from Tate. Why? I have no clue. Why would that blonde need me at 10pm? Is he needing to talk about Justin?

I recall the boy, but he doesn't answer. A groan leaves my mouth. How can he call me a million times just a moment ago, but now can't answer the phone?

Eventually, Tate does answer. However, when he does, he doesn't sound like himself. Loud voices talk over his voice, which makes everything worst. "Aye, Smith, we gotta situation."

"A situation?" What is this boy going to start yapping about at this hour? "What's wrong?"

"So, I'm with Diego, right?"

I blink. Why the hell is he with Diego? How are the two associated with each other in any way. "What?"

"Yeah, all the seniors and juniors from basketball planned a hangout."

Why would Diego hang out with a group of people when he can barely hang out with his own family and friends? And why didn't he tell me about this hangout? "Isn't basketball season over?"

"It's a sendoff for the seniors and shit, I dunno, man."

"We don't graduate until May, though...it's March."

"That's not the point of this whole story." Is he on something? Why is he talking weird? Why doesn't he sound like himself? "So, I'm with Diego right now. And, dude, this man can drink."

I furrow my eyebrows. Drink? What does he mean Diego can drink? Are they both drunk? What's happening? "Like, alcohol?"

"Yes, Smithy. Good ole vodka with sprite."

Oh gosh. This cannot be good. "Is he okay?"

"Nah man, he's pissy and drunk."

"What is he mad about?"

Tate let's out a loud 'pft' noise before exclaiming, "Random shit, man. He's just drunk."

"Tate, are you drunk?"

"Smith, stop getting sidetracked." So, Tate is drunk, and he's telling me about Diego being drunk. Great. This is just so great. "You need to come get him or something."

"What? Why?"

"Because he's drunk and can't drive!"

Oh. That didn't click. Nothing is clicking or processing right now. I'm not sure what's happening or what to even do in this situation. "I'll make up an excuse to my parents. Send me your location."

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