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Waking up next in Diego's bed rather than the guest bedroom is the greatest feeling in the world.

As I open my eyes, I am met with a beautiful sight. And what is that sight? A peaceful, sleeping Diego. Seeing him in such a calm and content state makes my heart melt into a puddle of happiness.

How is Diego so god-like, even while resting? How is he so perfect? How is he so kind to me? Why is he even interested in me? I am hideous and boring compared to this boy.

I run my fingers through Diego's messy curls, careful not to wake him. However, part of me wants to wake him because, well, I miss him. Though I just woke up, I already miss his smile and voice. I miss his brown eyes shining at me and how they roll when I say something.

Oh, how I miss Diego so much, even though I'm right beside him.

I'm not sure how long I sit and fiddle with Diego's hair while checking my phone every so often. It seems like time doesn't exist when I'm with him. Gosh, it feels like I could spend hours and days playing with his locks and staring at his face.

Eventually, Diego starts moving around. Small grumbles and huffs escape him as he shifts in the bed. I smile when hearing the adorable noises, because of course he'd make waking up seem so beautiful. Gosh, how is he so fucking beautiful?

Our eyes meet, and I immediately smile. The boy gives me a tired smile, still mumbling under his breath as he awakens. He moves his hands around until one is resting at my knee. His thumb slides across my leg, giving a source of comfort.

"Did you sleep in jeans?"

I almost moan when hearing his morning voice. How could I forgotten such a groggy but hot sound? "Yeah..." Diego continues rubbing my leg, careful not to inch too far up. "How'd you sleep?"

"Good," Diego mumurs with a yawn. My hand drops from his hair as the boy sits up. He gives a fuller, more lively smile while placing his hand under my chin. "Such a pretty boy."

My cheeks light up as my stomach begins doing cartwheels. It is too early for me to be blushing and giggling over this boy. But gosh, of course he'd make me feel like a lovesick mess first thing in the morning. "Hush."

Diego runs his fingers along my jaw before they reach my reddened cheeks. "How'd you sleep?" Too flustered to think, I let out a 'good' as I melt against his hand. Oh, I'd do anything to feel more of his touch. "Any dreams?"

How could I remember or think about dreams when I'm sitting in front of the most dreamy boy ever? "Uh... not any that I can remember." Diego hums while continuing to caress my face. "So, what are we doing today?"

The boy huffs, "I want to just stay here with you, but I need to get my friend presents for her birthday." Diego looks up, humming while thinking of the other errands he needs to run. "Oh, I need to drop off Mateo's library books. Then stop by the post office to pick up a package for my dad."

"How exciting." As sarcastic as I sound, in a way, it is exciting. I'm excited to spend time with Diego, no matter what we do. I don't care if we sat around all day or had a million side quests to do. Spending time with Diego in any way, shape, or form is all I want.

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