Chapter 2

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"Lilly Mellark" my mother's voice booms behind me, I stop dead in my tracks. I gulp nervously, turn around and plaster the most innocent smile as possible on my blushing face. Of course, she sees right through my disguise with her arms crossed, face stern and grey eyes observing me carefully. "Kitchen, now" she orders, from the corner of the hallway, in front of the kitchen. Swiftly, I run down the stairs and into the kitchen - my father awaits me, his arms crossed as well but his pale blue eyes hold more worry than my mothers. On the wooden counter stands two cups of coffee, meaning they must've been awake for a long time waiting for me to return as well as they are both still in their pyjamas.

"Sit" my mother orders me once again like a peacekeeper, pointing to an empty seat opposite them both ; immediately I sit myself down onto the stool, placing my guitar on the wooden table. Feeling uncomfortable with the silent tension waffling throughout the air, so thick you could cut it with a knife, my fingers begin to fidget with the strings on my guitar, plucking each one by one until my mother snatches it and places it behind her on the kitchen counter. "Where were you ?" She questions, intensely staring at me, "The meadow" I mumble, picking at my nails. "The meadow, are you joking Lilly ?" her voice rises and her hands go up in aggravation "What would've happened if you were caught by the peacekeepers, especially of all days on reaping day".

"Katniss, it's okay she's home now" my father tries to calm her, placing his hand on her shoulder, "No it isn't Peeta, there's cameras everywhere - they could've caught her" she says in an exasperated tone. "I needed to go" I say, breaking their conversation ; both of them turn to me with confusion "It would probably be my last time" I finish with a quiver in my voice. The kitchen falls deathly silent and my mother's eyes glass over in a way i've never scene before - it was if something had taken over her mind replacing reality with lies. Right away, my father notices, "Lilly go upstairs and get dressed" he states quickly, somehow i'm unable to move - my gaze fixed on my frozen mother "Now" he states again, his voice louder. That alone breaks me from my trance, because his voice is always calm and steady not worried and tense, I jog back into the hallway and race up the staircase, only to stop at the top at the sound of my mothers cries.

"Peeta, she can't get chosen, she'll die in that arena" she cries, her breathing rapid and heavy, "Katniss, she's safe, she won't get picked even you know that ; Lilly's name is in there 3 times, some have 30" my father calms her. I can already picture him with both hands massaging her shoulders, stroking her back, pressing calming kisses to her forehead. "Snow will make sure she's picked" my mother murmurs after a minute of silence, my father remains quiet. The only noise in the house is the crackling of the vibrant flames of the fire in the living room.

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