Chapter 11

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When we arrive into the Tribute Centre, awaiting us is an overly happy Effie and Haymitch, who stands there with a snarky smile ; arms crossed around his chest, along with a whole bunch of envious tributes ; great. Quickly the pair scoops us from our carriage before anyone makes any comments and made our way to district 12s' living quarters. I was left speechless, when all of us climbed onto a large glass elevator, I stared in utter fascination at the clear, glossy and lustrous material - ploddingly, my fingers caress the unique creation afraid it may shatter under the slightest touch. Nathan, on the other hand, refrains himself, cautiously standing rigid and stiff in the middle of the enclosed space ; but just looking at those hard eyes tells me he's alarmed. We both jolt in shock as the elevator suddenly plummets up to the sky like a gleaming star at nighttime. All around us, the Capitol is still wide awake with their lights on and gleefully partying in the streets, I look around in awe observing the towering buildings and peculiar-looking structures smouldered in everlasting darkness with hints of luminosity. I wonder if my parents were this enchanted when they arrived into the Capitol ?

When the elevator finally stops and opens its wide doors with a sharp ding, we are revealed with impressive and spacious living quarters - completed with the finest furniture and electronics money can buy. "Since we're the last district, it means we're at the very top of the training centre" Effie comments casually while walking into the room placing her wealthy handbag into the waiting hands of a stoical avox. The clicks of her outgoing heels against the tiled floors echoes throughout the empty space reminding me of the imaginary clock ticking away at my life.

I twirl around in the area ; astonished ; flabbergasted ; and like a sponge trying to soak it all in - how it's so modern and high-tec compared to the withering districts. "I suggest you guys get out of your outfits before we dine" Effie says, gesturing towards a hallway of multiple identical doors - I watch as Haymitch flops down on a random velvet chair with that familiar hunger for alcohol in his metallic eyes ; better get out of here before things get very messy. I pussyfoot down the narrow hallway, carefully looking around me feeling like I'm being secretly watched and pick a random door to explore. The room is of a decent size, a massive bed comfortably placed in the middle adorned in silky white satin sheets with two marble side tables on either side. Mirroring, my supposed "bedroom" upon the train, taking the whole back wall is a window - showing off the centre of Panem in all its glory. Eventually, I find myself in the en suite bathroom ; an exact copy of the bedroom, down to the golden trimmings surrounding the borders and the oddly shaped ceiling lights. I wipe the makeup off my face, grateful to see the bruise covering my face has softened and I painfully attempt to pry my hair from its tight plaits - my once straights golden locks have become wavy and somewhat frizzy, reminding me of a lions hairy mane. I peel my sweaty costume off and contently jump into the shower.

After, which seems like half an hour, with messing around with the water controls, streaming out like a river comes hot water - i welcome the burning sensation on my skin, taking a mental note that once I get into that arena this won't be a luxury ; it won't even exist. It doesn't even exist in the districts, only if you want to fuss around boiling water all day. Somehow, I managed to make the miraculous invention, which has too many frustrating buttons, dispense some soap - or what I hope was soap - and greatly slavered my body up with it. Then comes that exasperating knocking on the door that only comes with Effie - shit. As speedy as a lightning strike, I shut the shower off, pull a random towel round my soaking body and race to open the bathroom door that was dripping wet with blistering steam - my blood runs cold like a dead persons' as I come face to face with Nathan slouched on the edge of my neatly-made bed. Not Effie. I internally scream when he looks up to face me as I awkwardly stand in the doorway of the bathroom - his eyes were wide, cheeks tinged with a rosy red - I clutch the towel tighter around my slim body, practically begging on my knees for it not to fall. Immediately, Nathan averts his gaze to the floor, hand covering over his obsidian eyes "Sorry I- uh didn't know you weren't uh dressed yet" he manages to get out while moving from his position and towards the bedroom door, "It's fine" I croak, my heart racing a thousand miles like a horse that has just been freed from captivity.

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