Chapter 4

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Arranged on the table, was an array of fruits and bakery items (especially cheese buns) ,which my father must've baked yesterday. He is already dressed in his reaping day outfit - a white button short-sleeved shirt with beige dress pants - before I came into the room he was staring lonesomely  outside through the window. From what I could see, the sky was a satin blue ; a cloud not in sight and only a fresh breeze to tickle our arms - I would've preferred today to be gloomy and miserable so it wouldn't feel like I was missing out on something when I leave.

His blonde hair is slicked back, which is something I don't normally see because it's usually covered in sweat or messy from working in the bakery all day. My fathers mood brightens instantly as our identical eyes meet ; with a smile he gestures me towards the pile of cheese buns in the middle of table. My stomach turns again but I know I will probably need the energy when the time comes, my body sits on the same stool as earlier as I reluctantly pick one up. The bread was as soft as a pillow but also spongy like the meadow mushrooms, that grow in our porch.

My father watches me contently as I break away a piece and plop it into my mouth ; it tasted like heaven on my tongue but felt like torture in my overwhelmed stomach. "I was thinking after the reaping, me and you could cook a big feast" he begins, breaking the silence "We could also eat it in the meadow by the lake if you like" he finishes and reaches for my chin to rise so I would be looking up at him. "I would like that" I reply with a small smile but instead of feeling anticipation for going back to the lake, my heart shatters because we both know I won't be coming back here after today.

"By the way I've got something for you" my father says as he pulls his hand away from my chin and into his pocket. He reveals in his palm, a golden locket hung by a necklace - the luscious metal sparkled when illuminated within the light. The locket itself had engraved flowers and loopy vines reminding me of overgrown ivy, that covers trees in the forest. Eagerly, I watch as he opens the locket to show its hidden secret - on one side contains a photo of my mother and father hugging eachother while in the meadow (a true show of happiness spread across their faces) while on the other side must be a picture of myself but when I was a toddler. It shows me running through the fields, in a desperate attempt to catch a butterfly - my blonde pigtails glow within the sunlight of that afternoon.

I touch the locket tentatively, afraid it would disappear, "Dad, it's beautiful" I gasp, "Want me to put it on you ?" He chuckles, I frantically nod in approval, wanting this present to be with me forever. Sneakily, I place the necklace under my blouse encase a peacekeeper may take it away ; "It means you'll always have me and mom with you" he reassures with a sad smile, I stand and pull him into a tight hug. Immediately, his hands wrap around me and he places a kiss on my head, "I love you, dad" I whisper into his chest, my eyes threatening to shower with tears, "I love you too Lils" he whispers back pulling me tighter into the hug.

For minutes, we stay like this, swaying side by side in each others arms, until my mother quietly announces from the doorway "Peeta, it's time", my head races to look at the clock and as my mother said,  it was time. I gulp as my father lets go of me and walks over to my mother, he kisses her forehead and she places both of her trembling hands around his neck ; she places a kiss on his shoulder then they let go but still stay hand in hand. "We'll be outside, kiddo" my father says to me, giving me time by myself to soak up the last of my surroundings.

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