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oh to be loved,
the feeling one must get.
to be happy and secure,
to live the life i wanna live.

oh to be happy,
to know that they are safe.
to have confidence in who they are,
instead of living life with hate.

oh to be content,
to never have to worry.
to live life carefree,
never be in a hurry.

but i can never be carefree,
and i always have to worry.
do i let my presence determine,
if i am the judge or the jury?

i'm living in a closed off state,
stuck in the waiting room.
only to see if it will be fate,
or if i will face unending doom.

if i give you my heart,
was it me picking up the gavel?
or are you penalizing me with death,
so you can watch it unravel.

was there a new law passed,
stating i am unworthy of my body?
that only your ways could have me,
because i was just your little hobby.

when did my dorm room,
suddenly become a court?
was it when you pleaded guilty,
or when our relationship adjourned?

through every single trial,
and every single hearing,
it always amazed me,
that you could never even hear me.

court may be adjourned,
and you may plead guilty,
but i know you'll still serve your time,
because i see how much you miss me.

the case may be resolved,
and the plaintiff sued for her stolen heart.
the defendant is the one who lost,
but truthfully, they had lost from the start.

the lawyer did their job,
this can be a lesson learned.
do not come back around,
court has been adjourned.

Adjourned 4/13/24 22:35

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