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Thankfully the music was actually turned down, obviously I could still hear some bits now and then, but generally it was much better.

With that, I managed to complete my set for the exhibition, which was starting later today.

I haven't slept yet, and the clock has officially hit 8AM, so it looks like I'm going to be lethargic and easily agitated today.

Speaking of which, Min-kyu had messaged me.

min: exhibition today!! are you going to be there or are you just gonna set it up?

min: if youre going you should probably cover your face.

It was kind of sweet how he was excited for the exhibition, however, the energy between us had changed after that argument about revealing my identity to the public.

It was annoying, he consistently wanted me to cover myself up, or not post myself, or let alone post hints of what I even look like.

He almost went off at me for revealing a little bit of my hair on a post.

It was awfully frustrating having someone like Min-kyu demand I stay anonymous for the rest of my life. There's no way I could live like this for much longer.

I decided to simply not reply, just because. I don't want to.

I rolled my eyes, throwing my phone lightly onto my bed and proceeding to head towards my studio. All of my paintings were completely done.

Each one was so detailed and beautiful. I was quite impressed with how fast I managed to finish them with so much detail.

This collection was probably one of my favourite collections out of my paintings.

But, nonetheless, I had to get them to the gallery fast. The exhibition starts at eleven, so I had three hours to get everything prepared and ready for guests to enjoy.

I groaned, just stood amidst my studio, looking at how much time this will take to haul over and set up.

Oh well though, this will be good for me anyways.

So, without wasting any more time, I began gently handling the paintings one by one towards my car, the bigger ones I'd have to bring those later after delivering all the small ones.

After sending all the smaller paintings to the gallery, I gently carried out one of the bigger ones, making sure it didn't touch the floor or hit any walls or corners.

Finally, after that exhausting hauling back and forth, all my paintings managed to make it safely to the gallery. It was weird walking through a completely empty gallery, awaiting to be filled with people.

Every footstep echoed as I walked around, people were handling my paintings and placing them on walls and podiums.

The director of the gallery hurriedly paced towards me with the greatest smile ever, her heels clicked loudly against the wooden panels.

"Oh Mei Hirata, this is our greatest exhibition yet! Fully booked, expecting so many people." She grinned, embracing me in a tight hug. Her perfume literally was on the brink of asphyxiating me it was that strong.

"I'm excited." I giggled, looking at how beautiful my art looked among the white walls. It just shone so brightly.

"You know, I think this exhibition would be an amazing opportunity to reveal yourself, you know, the creator behind these masterpieces." She nudged me lightly, hinting at something.

I looked to the ground, giving a small sigh and then proceeding to look back at her with a light smile.

"I know. But, I can't." Another sigh left my lips, seriously, I was going to do it one day and I'd do it carelessly without thinking about what Min-kyu might have to say about it.

"What's stopping you?" She pressed her lips together, placing her hands on her hips as she listened.

"Min-kyu thinks it'd gain negative attention, and that I'd have creeps and stalkers if I revealed myself. But it doesn't make sense because stuff like that can happen to me even if I don't reveal myself." I shook my head, still not being able to fathom what he was being so defensive over.

"See, Hirata, I have nothing against your boyfriend or how you 'do' relationships, but if you're listening to him although you don't want to follow his rules, something is up. You shouldn't need to abide by his rules just so he's happy, is he creating the art? No, therefore he should have no say on what you do." The director consoled me, and to be honest, her words were quite inspirational.

But even so, I don't think I'd reveal myself yet. Just for the sake of the suspense.

I gave her a light, reassuring smile.

"I understand, I won't reveal myself in this exhibition, but it will definitely be soon. You can trust me in that." I gave her a slight bow as she nodded, giving a gentle sigh and a helpless smile.

"Just don't find yourself trapped in a controlling relationship."

riki.nishimura → airport hugWhere stories live. Discover now