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Niki parked his car in the drive of his house, considering we were neighbours there was no problem with this.

The door of his house opened, revealing the guy I saw from the airport. I didn't even bother putting my heels back on, I didn't even remember that I left them in his car.

"Mei?" Sunoo peered from the door cheerily as he observed me head to toe.

Niki looked at the two of us, confused as to how we knew each other.

"Sunoo!" I gave a faint smile, walking over towards him, although barefoot.

"Wow- you look- just wow. Sorry, I know you have a boyfriend - but you look so pretty." He gave me a sweet compliment, to which I laughed at and grinned brightly.

"She doesn't have a boyfriend anymore." Niki walked inside, his voice cold and abrupt.

Sunoo gave me the exact same look as I had on my face, 'damn what's wrong with that guy'.

"It's good to see you again, we should definitely hang out one day." He grinned, sparkles in his eyes as he stared at me so purely.

"Actually.." I gave it a thought, "You know, Niki is going on a date sometime this week, maybe we could hang out or something?" The face on Sunoo was hilarious, his eyes widened massively and his jaw dropped to the ground.

He turned around, looking inside of his house.

"NIKI!!!!!" He yelled, shortly after, Niki came downstairs.

He had fully changed, just missing a shirt - the usual for guys. He was wearing sweatpants, the band of his boxers showing, and completely shirtless, his toned abdomen and lean shoulders showing.

I wasn't sure where to exactly look, so instead I just decided to admire how nice the wall behind him was, the, beautiful colour painted on..

Normally I wouldn't be weird over things like these, obviously men have torsos, but for some strange reason I just had to look away from him, my heart was genuinely beating so fast.

"What do you want." His tone of voice was back to it's usual - cold and monotonous. He glanced occasionally towards me, then back at Sunoo.

"You have a date? What? Since when?! Who? Is she cute?!!!" Sunoo started gently hitting Niki on the shoulder, overly excited over the fact his best friend is actually getting some.

Niki's sharp eyes met mine, and I flashed him an angelic smile, pure and bright. He was not amused a single bit and just glared at me for a little too long for my liking.

As Sunoo was pestering Niki about this so-called 'date', I took this opportunity to sneak away and go home, and finally, change out of this outfit.

The second I changed, I washed my makeup off, went downstairs and pretty much ate everything in sight.

It felt good to be able to relax and sit down finally, without having to wear some tight dress, or some heels. I just could only imagine the amount of events I'll have to go to which require me to dress up.

I gave a sigh, scrolling on my phone and reading random things. My following count tripled, more and more people followed me - damn, this was crazy.

I took a quick picture of myself, skin radiant in the picture. I added some text to the picture.

'thank you all for the love and support! to those who were at the showcase, thank you for your respect and patience! lots of love'

And I posted it, not even two minutes later, it received a bunch of hearts and replies to it. I smiled, I was pretty lucky to have people liking me this much.

There were a lot of articles too, journalists must've been working overtime to publish all these articles in a singular day.




I clicked on one, a pure smile stained on my face as I read the comments and the article itself. I clicked on the next one, the same, they were all super sweet - unusual for articles.

There was nothing but compliments and people swooning over me, it was pretty cute.

As I continued to scroll down, a picture caught my eye. There were a few pictures of me plastered on articles, but this one in specific caught my eye.

It was the picture where Niki was next to me, holding my waist, and me even closer to him. Then followed by the picture where we stared into each other's faces, which now, that I see from a photography perspective - looked like we were really a couple.

A text, from the exact man I would've never expected to receive from, showed up.

niki: [sent a photo]

riki.nishimura → airport hugDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora