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I ran my fingers through my hair, feeling completely conflicted. I was storming the hell out of that place, just wanting to get home and think about nothing.

"Mei! Hirata what the fuck?" Niki's voice was significantly deeper, and heading closer to me.

He grabbed my arm and spun me around, looking at me in the eyes, evidently confused.

"What's up with you?" He asked me, furrowing his brows lightly.

"Nothing, jesus, let me go home." I tried to shake my arm out of his, but his grip stood firm. He didn't cut out any eye contact, simply, staring at me.

"Not until you tell me what's going on with you. You've been completely out of it after the museum." His gaze softened on me, and I just gave a huge sigh.

I wanted to tell him, but then at the same time, I didn't, which just made me feel so much worse.

"Niki, it's nothing, I'm just not a social person, can I go home now?" I groaned, rolling my eyes as he just grunt quietly under his breath, obviously not satisfied with my answer.

His grip on my wrist lightened, but that didn't mean he let go. He simply stared at me, clearly reading off my face that it was something else that was bothering me.

"Just tell me." Niki's voice had softened completely, just wanting to know what was bothering me so much.

I gave another sigh, conflicted to whether I should just completely tell him and deal with the embarrassment afterwards, or just leave it how it is.

I looked him straight in the eyes, which I wasn't really able to do for the entire day. His gaze was caring, wishing to know what was causing me to act like this.

His face alone, was just so beautiful, and it just made me mad.

"It's you. You're what's bothering me so much." I finally managed to spit the words out, "What? You expect me to act normal after you just kiss me like that? It's all I can think about, and I can't get away from it. You're confusing me, I don't know what to do because you keep giving me mixed signals." I just started to completely confess to him, he listened to every word.

"I don't know, do you want to hear it verbally, that I like you? Is that what you wanna hear? God, it's just frustrating me." I finished, not wanting to say anything more.

His eyes were just sparkling, as usual, and his lips pressed lightly together as if he wanted to say something back.

"Mei, I thought it was obv-"

Before he could even finish talking, the group in the karaoke room came out.

Boyoung ran up to Niki.

"NIKIII!! LET'S GOOOO!" She yelled, running up to him and hugging him from behind.

I gave a quick scoff, setting my arm free from his grasp and walking away. I had no energy for this anymore, and instead, I just decided to take a taxi home.

I waited on the side of the road, signalling for a taxi to come and pick me up. As I was waiting, Niki and the others came out, he immediately approached me, just as a taxi came up beside me.

"Mei." He spoke, making me stop, "I wasn't trying to give you mixed signals." He held the door of the taxi open, trying to not make me get inside.

"Forget I even said anything." I sat in the back, trying to tug the door shut.

"Mei you can't just avoid things like this." Niki insisted, but did I listen? No, I just slammed the door shut, telling the driver to drive off.

I gave a huge sigh, laying my head back on the seat as the taxi drove off.

"Relationship issues?" The taxi driver asked innocently.

"Something like that." I replied with, feeling literally exhausted and drained from today. I don't have a single clue how I'm going to face Niki after that.

I have only just realised how much more embarrassing this would be for me. God, I didn't even know that confessing to someone would be so difficult, it made me realise that it must've taken the people I had dated some balls.

"If you don't mind, may I ask what happened?" He inquired, and I had no issue in telling a random stranger, it's not like he'd remember the next day.

"The guy I like had kissed me, and then proceeds to flirt with other girls - I guess - and continue to give me mixed signals. I just told him that he was bothering me and I don't know what happened." My words slightly slurred.

"You know, he's right, you shouldn't be avoiding things like that. If there's issues, then you should resolve it. Ignorance can be bliss sometimes, but it'll never give you a healthy relationship - if that's what you're looking for anyways." Damn did I enter the taxi of a philosopher or what?

"Yeah. I guess."

riki.nishimura → airport hugWhere stories live. Discover now