Chapter 11: The Blood And The Poverty-Stricken Prince.

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As they aimless walked down the streets, everyone seemed to be staring at them. Alex assumed that people were just curious about them, they were new in town, after all.

"Or maybe they're staring because your entire front is covered in blood?" Elara said, which made Alex look down. His entire front was almost entirely red, his adventurer clothes soaked in the clone's blood.

"Uhhhhh... is there anywhere I can clean myself nearby?" Alex asked, looking behind himself and seeing the trail of blood on the road.

"An inn, probably." Elara responded. The people around them were looking at them, but nobody looked interested or worried. After all, with the guild building and the arena so close to them they became numb to such sights.

"Then lead the way." Alex said.

"I have no idea where an inn is." Elara replied, looking around.

"Excuse me, where is the closest inn?" Elara asked a passerby, who looked at Elara, then at the blood-covered Alex, and then back at Elara.

"Go forward, turn left when you pass that bar and then all the way forward until you're near the wall. There, on the right side will be an inn." The man said before going on his way.

"Heard that? Let's go so you can take a shower." Elara said, already walking away from Alex, who caught up to her a moment later.

"You stink of blood, it's disgusting." Elara suddenly said, pinching her nose.

"Not my fault. Can't you teleport us there or something? It'll be faster." Alex responded, clearly not in the mood of walking through the entire city as blood dries on his clothes.

"I'm conflicted. On one hand, I can make you suffer by making you walk in these clothes soaked in blood. But on the other the scent you have right now as well as your overall look is disgusting." Elara said with a completely serious tone, as if she was really conflicted.

"Your honesty about how I look is insufferable." Alex said, holding the hem of his shirt away from his body so it won't stick to him after the blood dries.

"Thank you for the complement." Elara replied with a shrug and a smile.

"It wasn't a complement. You're insufferable as a person, actually." Alex said.

"Just a reminder that I have all your memories, and I'm not scared of revealing them." Elara responded, which Alex took as an obvious threat.

"Hey now, that's blackmail and it's illegal." Alex said calmly, but he got slightly scared on the inside. He knew that she was just messing with him, and that she wouldn't do it, but just the idea of it happening scared him.

"Whatever. Back to the teleportation, I can't do it through walls, only where I can see." Elara said as they neared the bar slowly.

"Then just teleport us near the bar, and then to the wall. Is it that hard?" Alex said, annoyed that his clothes were becoming more and more sticky every second.

"I know." Elara said before teleporting them near the bar at the corner. Then, she teleported them close to the wall. To their right, just as the man told them, there was an inn, advertised by the sign above the door as 'Kria's Inn Housing'. They went inside and the bell rung as the door opened.

The door opened to a small and cozy reception room, with only one person behind the desk in front of them. Candles lit the windowless room with a warm light. The receptionist, who had a welcoming smile on her face, appeared to be a normal human, but her ears were slightly different. They were long and pointy, as she was of the elf race. She wore a small badge with the name 'Kria' written in bold letters.

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