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Ch. 5

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Business consultant?

"This won't be hard, since you know each other too well." Barry said with a grin, "Your siblings got married, so you're like family, in a way."

Family? Never.

I was feeling all sorts of things, but mostly angry.

"Sorry, but we can't." I shook my head at Barry and said to Colton, "Mr. Smith told me your company is swamped with work... and the fees, they're just too pricey. We can't afford it."

"Sweetheart, what are you talking about?" Barry laughed. "Colton and I made it official with a contract. He's down to work with us and handle it himself."

"Seriously? Why am I just finding out about this now? You can't sign a contract without me knowing about it."

"I did you a favor, by coming up with a solution to our problem. It's a crisis. We need to sort out our company problems before it tanks."

Colton cleared his throat, stood up, and straightened his tie.

"Seems like there's a problem with making decisions here. Now, I get where the root of the problem came from."

My eyes grew big upon hearing what he said. The nerve of this guy.

I walked up to him and gave him a piece of my mind.

"Excuse me? Are you implying that it's all my fault our company is going under?"

His lips twisted nastily, making me even more pissed off. "You know your company is failing, but you're not doing anything. I offered you my help on a silver platter, but you're still saying no because of your pride."

"My pride?"

"Yeah. Your pride, Luna. You are rejecting my help because you harbor unfavorable opinions towards me."

I gave him a look, crossing my arms together.

"Look who's talking. You feel the same way towards me. We can't stand each other, much more work together."

"Luna! Calm down." Barry pulled me away from Colton. "What are you doing?"

"Well, Barry," Colton pressed his lips together, then said, "I was hoping Luna and I could work professionally and set aside our personal conflicts. Let's just forget about the contract. I won't work in a place where I'm not wanted."

"No, please. We desperately need your help." Barry was agitated. "I apologized, Colton. Luna and I will talk about it first."

Colton nodded. "You know where to reach me."

The men shook hands. Then Colton gave me a nod and took off.

The moment the door closed, Barry exploded.

"What the heck is going on in your head? You said no to the guy and totally embarrassed him! I'm so disappointed in you, you were not acting your usual self. Where's your professionalism?"

"I can't stand the guy. I hate him. Do you understand me?"

"I don't like him either, and any of those fucking billionaires in the business world. But I gotta be nice to them, 'cause I need them to help me succeed. He's the only savior for our company and you messed it up. Fuck!" He let out a big breath and said, "Now. Do you understand what I mean?"

Something he said bothered me. Meaning, he also hated the entire men in my family who are billionaires.

I started to see in him what Mom told me from the very start. Be careful of him, Luna. He might use you and our family to get to the top.

The Billionaire's Irresistible EnemyWhere stories live. Discover now