Make love

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I knew I was drunk out of my mind because all the dizziness made me want to go and explore my surging tides of desire as I watched Hael make his way to me.

"Hael~" I stood in the corridor, ignoring the pain in my foot.

I was simply happy that he came to me. He didn't go back on his word. It made my delusions worsen.

"My Lady," He was confused when he saw me standing in the corridor, But as I stepped towards him, I almost fell. He ran over and caught me in time though, "You look drunk," He gently stroked my back with one of his hands that was placed there, and it caused my severely sensitive body to tremble all over.

Now a little secret, the wine I drank is supposed to help me with something very important. The effects of this special wine aren't meant to last that long so, I knew I needed to do this now.

The bubbling desire inside of me desperately wanted to burst out. My mouth had also become very dry, it was a sort of dryness that could only be quenched with love.

"Hael," I whispered his name lovingly, "Take me to my room."

"..." He looked at me suspiciously.

"My foot hurts," I whined.

I'm guessing he's trying to understand why I'm drunk and not drugged. He looked around the place, looking for anything else that was suspicious but once he didn't find any, he looked back at me. Then picked me up in his arms, "Alright," He glanced back at the party hall where the sound of talking was dying down. I guess all the people were getting drugged and soon everyone will start leaving.

I looked at Hael. A lot of things must be going through his mind. He's calculative after all. I'm sure he's wondering how I'm not drugged but while his brain was in turmoil, I just snuggled next to him.

My action made him momentarily freeze, but he continued walking almost immediately.

As Hael carried me through the mansion, I realized he had grown even more. His build had gotten stronger and he was even more charming than before. I stared at him the whole time as the desire in me rose.

It's my last night here, I have to do this. This is for the sake of letting go,

As we reached the room, Hael lowered his head and intensely stared down at me.

"Something seems wrong with you," I interpreted the turbulent gaze in those narrow eyes of his. He's confused why I'm acting strange. Not just because of not getting drugged but also because I was being so affectionate with him.

In the past two years, I did no such thing. I tried to show indifference even. So now that I'm snuggling, he's suspecting me.

"Hmm~" I giggled, "I wonder what's wrong with me~" The wine had really helped me loosen up.

He sat me down on the bed and turned around to leave


I caught his shirt.

OH! Not so fast, mister. You're staying with me!

"You have to help me change," I gripped his shirt tightly.

For a moment, Hael hesitated, his expression caught between disbelief and reluctance.

He looked back at me without saying anything but his eyes. Those beautiful light grey eyes of his were in doubt.

"Why?" I asked, "You helped me last time when no one else was available." I still think about my seventeenth birthday. And I think about how he made no attempt to justify himself in front of Lyal.

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