A cute little guest

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>>Amber (Corvina)

I ducked down.

With my heart hammering in my chest, I took to the ground, into the anonymity of the crowd, desperate to escape the sight of him.

Oh, I hope he didn't see me!! Why is he even here? Why would the master of the magic tower leave for an expedition? I grabbed my head in despair as I felt anxious.

Every fiber of my being screamed for me to flee, to disappear into the labyrinth of winding alleys and shadowed corners. I didn't think I would see Hael again!

Our eyes met... NO! They didn't. I was standing in a heavy crowd! He was simply looking out the window, there's no way possible for him to see me!

I nodded to myself. I was desperately trying to console myself. That's right. Remain calm. It's all in my head. I'm free now, he didn't see me.

Even though I told myself that I didn't stand up, I chose to crawl out of the crowd even though his carriage had long left.

Carefully, I wove my way through the throngs of people, my movements deliberate and cautious. I avoided eye contact, keeping my head down as I slipped through the gaps in the crowd like a shadow, my heart racing with each step.

Only after I came out from the back of the crowd did I stand up and look back. Since the carriages had left, the people had started moving around and the crowd began to disperse.

It's okay. I glanced at the road while I kept going. The road was now filled with people. I'm alright, I looked ahead, I'm okay.

It was frustrating that I couldn't run but I did what I could and caught a little bit of speed.

The sounds of the bustling square faded into the background as I navigated the maze of streets. I didn't stop till the time I was far away from the main road.

"Oh, God!" I stood up and leaned against the wall in the narrow alleyway

I thought I was done for! I thought he saw me! My heart was still drumming against my chest.

I glanced over my shoulder. There was no one there, no one following me, no one even coming in my direction. Every person was busy doing their own thing.

I let out a sigh of relief.

See? I'm fine. I started making my way back. It wasn't a few minutes later that I noticed something strange,

Hmmm? I caught something from the corner of my eye, something that seemed to shine.

I turned around to see what it was- WOW!

A silver butterfly flitting gracefully through the air, its delicate wings shimmering in the sunlight, and by God, it was a majestic delicate being.


Silver butterflies were said to be harbingers of magic, omens of both beauty and danger. What is one doing here? Obviously, I didn't have the answer.

I should ignore it, let it do its thing.

I continued walking. But as I continued on my way, the butterfly remained steadfast in its pursuit, a silent sentinel that followed me with unwavering determination.

Hmm??? Is this tiny pretty thing following me?

I quickened my pace, eager to reach my cafe, but no matter how fast I walked, the silver butterfly matched my every stride, its ethereal form dancing just out of reach.

Is it really following me? But why would it do that?

Finally, as I reached the threshold of my cafe, I paused, turned around and raised my finger to let it sit on it.

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