The Elf's Plea

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The sound of burning and the orange glow made me look up.

Hael had already summoned a fireball. I could feel the heat of it even though it was far from me. I couldn't look at it directly, so I looked at the elf again.

I feel like Hael's being a bit dramatic here, isn't he?

I don't sense any hostility from her, why summon a destructive fire ball?

"Please!" She raised her hands in the air, "I come in peace," She could sense the danger she was in as well, "My name is Lilia!" She stated, "I only want to ask the saint for her help!"

"State your purpose," Hael ordered sternly. He seemed angry, so I chose not to speak between them.

"I'm only here because we need the power of the saint!" She said, "The miasma has spread all the way to the forest of elves!"

"And?" Hael was not amused.

She chose to be wise and state everything in one go, "We elves are strong and possess the power of light but elves do not have holy powers like humans do. We tried to fight the miasma, but many of our brethren were consumed by it, turning into dark elves." She gulped, "We need the saint to help purify them."

The next moment the big ball of fire looming over our head was gone. I let out a sigh of relief as the cool air came back.

Hael smirked, "For an elf to ask help from a human." He chuckled, "How amusing." His words were sharper than they normally are.

Lilia lowered her head, "We have no other option. Lend us a saint. Please,"

"Do you think we have many of them?" Hael's voice held clear signs of mocking. Does he have some personal resentment towards elves or something? Or does he have some resentment towards her.

I stared at them both.

Doesn't look like they know each other though.

"I do realize, you have only two. But the fact is, you have TWO. That never happens." She looked at me, "We just need help to purify the ones that have already turned."

"It won't matter," Hael replied, "The miasma will come back and consume more."

"It'll only come back if we come in contact with it." She replied, "As long as we stay away from the area of origin, we can avoid it."

Area of origin? Do the elves know where the miasma originated from?

"You live in the forest, there is no way for you to avoid it," Hael replied.

"Once you heal us, we'll blockade our entrance." She answered, "We plan on using magic to create barriers and shields to keep the corrupted beings out of our territory."

"How long do you plan on staying there?" Hael folded his arms, "Even we don't know how to take care of this situation. Do you plan on blockading yourselves for years?" He smirked, "Might as well just start killing the ones that turned and move on."

"Hael," I elbowed him, "That's not a nice thing to say."

Lilia's gaze dropped, "I know, but we have no other option." She bowed her head, "Please, help us. Too many elves are suffering."

"No," Hael answered, "Leave,"

"Hael!" I said but he ignored me

"I beg of you!" Her head went lower, "Please, Please, we need you."

"No," Hael answered again without hesitation and I looked at him in shock. He's being hostile, why?

Lilia froze in her stance and there was a moment of silence. Then she dropped to her knees, "Please," Her lips quivered, "My brother is one of the infected." Seeing her made me feel bad, "Please,"

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