Whispers of the Soul

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In twilight's gentle embrace,
Where shadows sway on whispered breaths,
The soul unfurls its secrets,
Petals revealing under the moon's soft gaze.

Within the heart's quiet alcoves,
Echoes of past sorrows linger,
Dreams weave delicate tapestries,
Soul's whispers echo through chambers deep.

They tell of yearnings lost in time,
Dreams deferred and hopes anew,
Longing's ache, love's ecstasy,
Resonating in the spirit's depths.

In the night's tranquil stillness,
The world slumbers, stars softly gleam,
Soul's silent song softly sings,
Longing for belonging, a melody serene.

Listen, dear traveler, with open heart,
To soul's whispers guiding your way,
Through life's labyrinth mysteries,
A compass true in twilight's sway.

Whispers of the Soul: Verses From WithinWhere stories live. Discover now