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Beneath the old maple tree, where dappled sunlight falls,

Rests Sadie, our beloved friend, her gentle spirit

Echoing through the quiet corners of our home.

Thirteen years she graced us with her presence,

An eternal source of joy and comfort,

Her laid-back demeanor a balm to our souls.

Always there with a wagging tail and eager eyes,

Ready to greet us with unconditional love

And a soft nuzzle against our legs.

She loved nothing more than lazy afternoons

Under the shade of the backyard tree,

Her contented sighs mingling with the rustle of leaves.

Each scratch behind her ears was met with

A soft whimper of pleasure, her eyes closing

In blissful surrender to our touch.

Though she has left us now,

Her memory lives on in the echoes of her bark,

The imprint of her paws upon our hearts.

Sadie, our sweet companion,

Forever missed, forever loved.

Whispers of the Soul: Verses From WithinWhere stories live. Discover now