Warrior's Resolve

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In the quiet moments before dawn,
when the world is still wrapped in slumber,
I sit alone with the weight of my body,
a burden heavy with unseen battles.

Each day is a negotiation,
a delicate dance with pain and limitation,
a constant reminder of fragility,
etched into the marrow of my bones.

I am a prisoner of this flesh,
bound by the chains of diagnosis,
my existence measured in doctor's appointments
and the ticking of pill bottles.

There are days when the sun feels like a distant memory,
lost behind a veil of fatigue and ache,
and I wonder if this is all there is,
if life is nothing but a series of concessions.

There are moments of grace,
tiny sparks of light that pierce the gloom,
reminding me that I am more
than the sum of my symptoms.

I am a warrior.
A warrior in the battle for my own body,
and though the road may be long and winding,
I walk it with courage and defiance.

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