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Within the depths of my being, resonate lingering echoes,
Whispers of resilience etched in the silent expanse,
A tapestry woven with strands of fortitude.

I traverse as a nomad of shadows, a victor
Forged not in battles visible to mortal sight,
But in the wars waged within the recesses of a wounded soul.

Each scar bears witness to the enduring flame,
Ignited in the crucible of adversity,
Burning bright through the darkest of nights.

These echoes narrate sagas of storms endured,
Of tempests raging within, unnoticed by the passing glance,
Yet, the survivor dons no cloak of victimhood.

In the maze of memory, lie concealed alcoves
Veiled in the mist of uncertainty,
Where echoes of torment and affliction intertwine.

I navigate this labyrinth, tracing the contours
Of a narrative etched in cryptic script,
An autobiography inscribed in invisible ink.

Wounds meld into a landscape of resilience,
A survivor's silhouette painted upon life's canvas.

For survival transcends mere endurance,
It is a testament to the vitality that endures.

In the intricate dance between shadows and light,
I emerge, not unscathed, but victorious.

Whispers of the Soul: Verses From WithinWhere stories live. Discover now