ch. 12 • flirty thirty

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On this day- November 22nd- 30 years ago, I was brought into this world. At 9, I wanted to be an astronaut; at 13, I wanted to be 6 feet under; at 21, I was surprised I made it that far.

Now, at 30, things were looking up.

Aging was always a thought that scared me. The years pass by, tick by tick. Not having my life together, scared to step forward. Realizing with each birthday that I am an adult. And what do I have to show for it?

I turned my phone around in my hands and sighed. My heart ached. I longed for my phone to ring, for my mother's contact photo to illuminate on the surface. Each year it got easier, but it still hurt.

I made a mental note to visit her grave at home sometime soon.

My phone buzzed in my hand. Laurie. I smiled and picked up. "Hello?"

"Bon anniversaire! Bon anniversaire," she sang off-key. "Bon anniversaire, Miss Williams! Bon anniversaire!"

I giggled. "Merci, Ms. Montague."

"Shall I come pick you up and take you to brunch, my darling?"

"I feel as though you are already downstairs."

She sucked her teeth. "Me? Outside? However do you mean?" Then, the line cut.

The intercom next to my front door buzzed. I rolled my eyes and smiled, sashaying over to buzz her in. With my ear pressed against the door, I listened to her footsteps clomping up the stairs one by one.

I opened the door. There she stood, hand up to knock, dressed in jeans and a black hoodie. In one arm there was a massive bouquet of chrysanthemums, a sunburst bundle of red, orange, and yellows.

"Oh my God," I squealed, grabbing the bouquet. "I love them, Laur!"

I hunted around my apartment for a vase large enough to hold them, settling for a Pier One ceramic black vase that usually held fake flowers. Laurie watched as I clipped the stems and rearranged the bouquet. I smiled at her, giddy and excited to have a fresh bundle of flowers to liven up the apartment.

"They look beautiful, mon cheri."

I nodded as I stepped back to view my handiwork. "They are. Thank you, Laur."

"Anything for you, darling," she spoke softly, lovingly.

My lips found hers and fluttered several kisses against them. Her hands tugged at my waist, pulling me closer. Our kisses slowed and deepened, my fingers lacing through her hair. She migrated from my lips to my jaw and down my neck, suckling at random spots.

"L-Laurie," I moaned and braced myself against the counter. "This...This isn't- oh, shit- brunch."

"Then you would like me to stop?" Her voice, raspy and broken with desire, caused me to shiver.

"No," I whispered.

"I have a surprise for you." Her steel eyes were dancing with mischief.

"If it doesn't include your tongue on various parts of my body-"

She glared at me sternly. "Behave."

"Yes ma'am." I folded, immediately.

Laurie nodded to a small box on the counter next to the flowers. "Open it, mon cheri."

Excitement swelled inside of me as I fiddled with the red leather box, embossed with gold. It gave way and revealed a gorgeous gold chain bracelet with 2 rings hooked together in the middle.

"Laurie- Laurie, this is beautiful," I cried out. Then, it hit me. Red box, gold engraving. "Holy fuck."

"Mon cheri? Do you like it?" Laurie was fidgeting with the rings on her hands, concern flooding her face.

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