ch. 24 • buzzing like a bee

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AN: just sex part 2 -- last time! (sad)

With age came the ability to control my impulses.

As a young woman mucking around Europe, my actions were spontaneous. From the moment I woke up until the moment I closed my eyes, nothing was planned. Now, however, I feel a soothing comfort from withholding from rash decisions and spontaneity.

Mackenzie, however, was becoming rather impatient.

She huffed as she slumped onto the couch, pouting. "I didn't think telling you no would mean you'd hold off from me for days!"

"You cannot live without sex for 4 days, mon cheri?" I teased.

"Not anymore," she whined. Fuck, she is adorable.

"I will take that as a compliment, then."

It was difficult. She had been trying significantly harder to appeal to me, to break my resolve— and it almost worked. I got to the point where I wondered who I was 'punishing' more, her or myself.

"I suggest you come to bed soon, my darling," I murmured in her ear as I leaned over the couch to kiss her cheek. "Tomorrow may be a long, hard day."

Her breathing faltered and a small whine settled into the recesses of her throat. I smirked, pleased and ready for bed.

"Darling, could you remind me what is on the schedule for today?" I called out from the closet.

"A quarterly update with our main investors," she reminded me breezily. Probably not even looking at our calendar. "Then a staff meeting to talk about a showcase in the summer...Let me see..."

I slowly buttoned my shirt and waited for her response.

"Oh," she muttered, barely audible. "We also have a meeting with Alessia Rossi."


"I see. Well, in that case, come to me now Mackenzie."

"What's wrong?"

I looked her up and down, grinning at her clothing choice for today. Mauve pants with a black top and a thick mauve coat. Gorgeous, but not at all enough...

"I think you may need to switch into a pair of black pants, Ms. Williams."

"W—Why? Is my outfit not cute?" The gorgeous brunette fretted, modeling for herself in the mirror. "I thought—"

The rest of her words were lost to me. I slowly approached her from behind, then molded the front of my body to her. My hands moved over her hips and belly and my lips kissed the freshly perfumed skin of her neck. Mackenzie sighed dreamily, leaning back into me.

"You do not understand, Ms. Williams," I murmured in her ear. I traced the outside with the tip of my tongue, relishing in the moan that sprung from her lips. "You need to wear black pants today."

She nodded frantically. "Y–Yes ma'am, I will."

"Good girl," I breathed, kneading her hips roughly. "And Mackenzie?"


I released her and turned on my heel. "Do not forget our...little friend, yes?"

"Yes, Ms. Montague."

This toy was one of the best birthday presents I could ever receive. Being in control of the amount of pleasure my girlfriend receives, when she receives it, and if she reaches her destination? Mackenzie knew how to stroke my God complex, for certain.

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