Chapter 5

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Chapter 5
Tomorrow and tomorrow, so many tomorrows.
Mr. Gu's "tomorrow" is never the actual next day.
Ji Ruan went home and immediately fell asleep. When he awoke, it was already evening, with the sky draped in a gentle hue of twilight clouds. Inside the villa, only Aunt Zhao was busy in the kitchen.
She had prepared a pot of pork rib soup. Even without lifting the lid, Ji Ruan could smell its rich aroma.
Xiao An was dozing by the stairs leading to the basement. Upon seeing Ji Ruan, the cat perked up immediately, its fluffy tail wagging enthusiastically. It looked like it was about to leap at him but halted just an inch away, instead rubbing its head affectionately against Ji Ruan's shins.
It acted less like a Maine Coon cat and more like a goofy big dog.
"What's gotten into you today, being so well-behaved?" Ji Ruan exclaimed, eyes crinkling with laughter as he reached down to stroke the cat.
Behind them, the floor-to-ceiling window was filled with the setting sun and the dense green trees outside. It framed them like a painting. The Maine Coon's soft, light-colored fur was illuminated with a golden hue, and the young man's fair fingers seamlessly blended into the scene.
Aunt Zhao was plating dishes. Catching sight of this, she instinctively wiped her hands and discreetly snapped a photo.
"Mr. Gu gave it a lecture before leaving, and now it's behaving impeccably," she remarked with a chuckle.
"Really?" Ji Ruan walked over to the kitchen counter, assisting Aunt Zhao with the dishes, "How did he train it? Mr. Gu is truly impressive."
"Oh, you wouldn't believe it, but Mr. Gu has a real knack for training cats. I didn't quite catch what he did, but within moments, Xiao An was completely obedient."
Aunt Zhao always speaks animatedly with a fast pace and high pitch. She is a middle-aged woman who radiates joy in everything she does.
Ji Ruan doesn't particularly care about what Gu Xiuyi has done, but every time he's around Aunt Zhao, it feels as if the air is imbued with her infectious cheerfulness, filled with vitality. He enjoys spending time with such vivacious elders.
Whenever Ji Ruan shows interest in Aunt Zhao's stories, she becomes even more spirited, sharing more tales.
For instance, now, as Ji Ruan smiled subtly, complimenting, "Mr. Gu is truly amazing," Aunt Zhao beamed with pride, exclaiming:
"Absolutely! It was only after he saw all the bruises that clumsy cat left on you that he decided to discipline it. Before, he couldn't bear to do so."
Ji Ruan, holding a plate, walked alongside Aunt Zhao to the dining room.
"Xiao An has always been playful, pouncing on people since it was a kitten. When it was small, it was manageable, but now that it's grown so big, it really needs some training. Otherwise, when I take it out, people might mistake it for a dog," she laughed.
Ji Ruan chuckled at Aunt Zhao's banter, pulling out a chair to sit down, and handed her a pair of chopsticks.
When Gu Xiuyi isn't home, the two of them dine together.
"Oh," Ji Ruan, after a momentary lapse, finally remembered and asked, "Did Mr. Gu leave?"
"Yes, he went to work-Oh! Look at me," Aunt Zhao exclaimed, smacking her forehead, "I was so engrossed in our conversation I forgot the main point. Mr. Gu asked me to tell you that he's going on a business trip tomorrow. The date for obtaining the marriage certificate will depend on his return."
"I see..." Ji Ruan nodded.
It seems "tomorrow," in Mr. Gu's vocabulary, means whenever he has the time.
Over the next two days, Ji Ruan fell back into a routine of eating and sleeping. He played with Xiao An when he was free and, during a grocery run with Aunt Zhao, even brought home a spider plant to nurture.
He didn't do much, but he certainly looked more refreshed.
On the third day of Gu Xiuyi's business trip, Ji Ruan received a WeChat message while having breakfast. It was from someone named Han Xiaolin.
Holding his phone, Ji Ruan paused in confusion for a moment. A flash of recognition crossed his mind, and the image of a single-lidded, sharp-chinned, wide-toothed face appeared.
With that, all memories related to this individual were triggered.
Han Xiaolin must be Ji Ruan's only friend in this world. As per his recollection from the original story, during the tumultuous episodes of "cat and mouse" with Gu Xiuyi, it was this friend who provided much-needed support and refuge.
A genuine friend through thick and thin.
Messages continuously popped up on the phone screen.
[Hey bro!! Come on!! Check out my acceptance letter!!]
[I can't believe I actually got into Peking University! We're alumni again!!]

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