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Chapter 60
Ji Ruan's cheeks and lips appeared pale, and the droop of his lashes conveyed a profound sense of sorrow. Gu Xiuyi felt a painful tug in his heart seeing him like this.
"What happened? Can you tell me slowly?"
Ji Ruan gazed at the screen, his brows creased with worry, hesitating to speak.
Gu Xiuyi grew anxious waiting but didn't dare press him too hard, moderating his tone, he coaxed, "Hmm? Can you tell me, darling?"
"I..." Ji Ruan bit his lip, pausing for a while before lowering his eyes, "I had a heatstroke today."
But that wasn't it.
With just one glance, Gu Xiuyi knew the real cause of Ji Ruan's distress wasn't the heatstroke.
But it was clear Ji Ruan either didn't want to bring it up or didn't know how to.
Gu Xiuyi paused, considering his words carefully, not probing directly but going along with Ji Ruan's narrative, "How did you get a heatstroke? Does it hurt much?"
Ji Ruan wrapped himself in a blanket, peering out with teary eyes, "I went to the studio, and it was so hot when I came back in the afternoon. I guess I got a bit sunburned."
Something must have happened at the studio.
Gu Xiuyi comforted with a gentle smile, "Mhm, you must be feeling a bit of a headache then. Have you taken any medicine? Do you feel better now?"
His voice, deep and tender, wrapped around the ears with a soothing touch. Exhausted from the day's weariness, Ji Ruan seemed to find solace, unintentionally relaxing a bit.
"Yes, I have a headache and feel a little nauseous," Ji Ruan responded at Gu Xiuyi's prompt, speaking languidly. "I couldn't find any medication, so I drank some lightly salted water..."
He tugged a small smile onto his face, "But I'm not feeling as unwell now. Han Xiaolin went out to get me some 'huoxiang zhengqi' pills, she should be back soon."
The soft, fluffy sky-blue blanket covered most of his face as he shifted. Ji Ruan reached out, his snowy-white fingers contrasted against the blue fabric, with his silky black hair cascading around him, looking utterly endearing.
Gu Xiuyi wished he could reach through the screen and hold him close.
"Such a good boy," Gu Xiuyi whispered, "Can you tell me what happened at the studio, darling?"
Ji Ruan's eyes flickered hesitantly.
Gu Xiuyi settled into a comfortable position, coaxing patiently, "It's alright, take your time..."
Observing Ji Ruan closely, he added with earnest sincerity, "Just speak in whatever way feels right. I believe every word you say."
Genuine warmth, tenderness, and patience are always the most potent tools.
For a moment, bolstered perhaps by that gentle encouragement, Ji Ruan seemed poised to share everything.
Feeling the strain in his eyes after staring at his phone for so long, Ji Ruan propped himself up, settling against the wall with his legs bent, resting his chin on his knees.
Staring at the screen, under Gu Xiuyi's warm gaze, he sighed softly, "Today, a particularly demanding client visited the studio."
Gu Xiuyi nodded, responding patiently, "Go on."
"His best friend's grandfather is turning eighty next month. He wants to commission a Han embroidery piece as a birthday gift."
Ji Ruan met Gu Xiuyi's eyes, continuing calmly, "He said he's known his friend since childhood and sees himself as the most treasured person in his friend's life. Even though he's been abroad for years, he believes he remains special in his friend's heart."
A subtle change flickered across Gu Xiuyi's face, hinting that he might've made a guess.
"In any case, the client said many things that seemed meaningless," Ji Ruan paused, then continued, "But he seemed very confident-"
"He said his surname is Bai."
That should suffice.
There's no need to elaborate beyond this point.
From Gu Xiuyi's perspective, though Ji Ruan had heard of Bai Yue, he had no clue about his appearance. Today, while Bai Yue's undertones seemed to taunt him through their exchange, he never once mentioned Gu Xiuyi's name or even introduced himself by his real name.
If Ji Ruan divulged too much at this juncture, it would come off as peculiar. He wasn't inclined to exhaustively explain improbable tales about being transported into novels or receiving visions in dreams.
Being succinct and sticking to the facts was the best approach.
Clearly, Gu Xiuyi understood entirely.
His brow furrowed, lips pressed into a tight line, eyes sharp and clear as a blade's edge. Ji Ruan knew this expression all too well; it surfaced only when Gu Xiuyi was deeply serious.
"Ji Ruan," Gu Xiuyi began solemnly, enunciating every word, "Do not believe."

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