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Chapter 50
Hold me.
Indeed, it sounded like an incredibly gentle and obedient request, one that was impossible to resist.
Ji Ruan's body was cold to the touch.
He was naturally the kind with perennially cold extremities. After the recent loss of so much blood, his body felt completely drained, making him feel even more like a tiny block of ice.
But as he buried his face into Gu XiuYi's shoulder, rubbing his cheek against the side of Gu XiuYi's neck, Gu XiuYi felt an intense warmth, as if every nerve end was set ablaze by the contact, making his blood course rapidly.
Suppressing the tumultuous feelings in his heart, he wrapped his arms around Ji Ruan, part sorrow and part tenderness, delicately pulling him closer.
Ji Ruan's slender frame, with scarcely any flesh on his back, was easily enveloped by Gu XiuYi's embrace.
Ji Ruan seemed to relish the embrace, adjusting slightly in his arms and letting out a contented sigh.
It was late April, with the sun shining brightly outside, and girls on the streets donning their lovely skirts. Yet, the air conditioner in the hospital room was still blowing warm air.
Gu XiuYi intently gauged Ji Ruan's temperature, softly patting his back and asking, "Are you still cold?"
But there was no answer.
Fearing Ji Ruan hadn't heard him, Gu XiuYi leaned closer to his ear and repeated the question.
The hospital room was silent, with even the bubbling sound from the humidifier coming through clearly. However, there was still no response from Ji Ruan.
Anxiety began to grip Gu XiuYi's heart.
"Ji Ruan?"
"Ji Ruan... What's wrong, my dear?"
All he felt in response was a heavy weight against his shoulder.
Panic threatened to consume Gu XiuYi. Memories of Ji Ruan lying lifelessly in his arms in the ambulance flooded back, fear encompassing him.
Fifteen minutes later.
The corridor outside the room was filled with doctors, yet the room was eerily quiet.
The atmosphere was thick with an awkward tension.
Gu XiuYi's recent commotion had practically roused the entire hospital floor. Some patients, even with their limbs casted, struggled to come out and see what the fuss was about.
The calm and collected Chief Doctor, accompanied by a flurry of other physicians, rushed over, looking as if they were bracing for a serious situation.
Yet, the final diagnosis revealed that Ji Ruan had merely fallen asleep.
The Chief Doctor, taking in the sight of a man whose complexion hadn't fully recovered and who appeared ready to commit violence, cleared his throat. He painstakingly searched for the right words, attempting to make him understand that his partner was simply asleep, not unconscious, and was in good condition without complications.
"It's already remarkable that he remained lucid for so long upon waking. Given his frail state, he really should sleep more to recover effectively..."
The Chief Doctor hesitated, then reassuringly patted Gu XiuYi's shoulder, "Relax, young man. The emotional state of family members can influence the patient. Try not to appear overly anxious."
Gu XiuYi: "..."
He nodded somberly.
The onlookers, having awaited some drama only to realize it was a false alarm, promptly dispersed.
However, the atmosphere didn't lighten much. An undercurrent of awkwardness persisted.
Among the Chief Doctor's entourage, someone chuckled, attempting to lighten the mood, "As long as he's okay! That's the most important thing, right? Hahaha..."
A couple of seconds later, the others joined in the laughter, and the atmosphere brightened.
It turned out to be a mere scare. Ji Ruan woke up two hours later, just in time to have the pork rib soup prepared by Aunt Zhao.
It's common knowledge that the frail need more sleep than others, but this was outside Gu XiuYi's understanding.
Gu XiuYi's daily routine involved waking up between 5 and 6 am to exercise and not sleeping before midnight unless he had overtime. He thrived on this intense schedule and never really pondered the importance of sleep for the body.
After hearing this story, the nurse who came to administer Ji Ruan's IV shared it with Aunt Zhao. It became a month-long joke, generously shared with her dear friend, Aunt Fang, who was recently diagnosed with diabetes and was quite downcast. The story made Aunt Fang laugh heartily for a day, noticeably improving her mood and health.
As a result, Li SuiAn sent a thank you message, crediting Gu XiuYi's unintentional contribution. He said it was a legendary tale, showcasing the profound love between the Chairman and his spouse, that would likely be recounted at the Gu Family's annual gatherings for decades.

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