little reunions

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Daphne sat on a chair, one leg crossed over the other whilst her arms were folded over her chest. She stared over at the two boys that sat crossed legged on the floor, a bunch of wrappers and unopened candy in between them whilst they munched along. Clark, the boy in the red coat, was rather stunned by Jack's abilities. The Nephilim boy had managd to tap into his powers and worked out how to get a bunch of candy for free.

She rolled her eyes in ridiculousness as she continued to watch, her lips pursed into a thin line and brows furrowed together in a constant frown.

"Daph!" Jack exclaimed, smiling brightly like an innocent kid. This only made Daphne frown more, however she stopped and quirked a questioning brow. Her blue eyes examined his before they fell upon his outstretched arm, a snickers bar in hand.

"God, this reminds me of a TV advert." She scoffed, shaking her head in disbelief before taking the chocolate bar and nodding in thanks. She watched Jack smile warmly at her before he went back to sharing his prizes with Clark.

"So, what's the deal with the protective chick?" Clark asked and Daphne couldn't help but glare into his soul whilst opening her snickers bar as quietly and inconspicuously as she could. "I mean....i totally dig it, it's hot, but-"

"Don't talk like that." Jack interrupted quickly, frowning at Clark as an anger arose within him. He wasn't quite sure why, but he felt infuriated with how Clark spoke about Daphne. Point one, she was in the room with them and could hear what they were saying and point two, Clark knew her name.

"Jack, it's fine." Daphne called, her head tilting upwards as though to help assure the angelic boy before she continued nibbling away at the chocolate bar, watching as the boys soon resumed to laughing together and getting more candy from the vending machine. She felt like she was supervising a couple of children.

Time went on slowly whilst the boys continued to have their fun. However, Daphne was beginning to grow restless. She needed to find a way to contact Dean and Sam, why she hadn't done so already baffled her. It slipped her mind once she and Jack spent a little while listening to music, up until her phone had died. She went to stand, and by went to, i mean she uncrossed her legs and placed her hands on her thighs when the door opened suddenly.

The sheriff stood there, her hand on her unbuckled gun just in case. As a reaction, Daphne quickly stood and placed herself between the boys and the cop, her gaze an almost burning inferno, and yet they were as blue as an iceberg.

"Mm. Hey, Mom." Clark said, gazing over his shoulder to see what the slight commotion was about. He quickly jutted his thumb towards Daphne and grinned lopsidedly. "She's a little protective of Jack, don't worry." The sheriff relaxed her grip on the gun and stood a little more relaxed, however she still frowned and looked towards the candy the boys were sharing.

"Uh..." Christine looked to Daphne for help, but the girl had barely backed down and so guilt slowly warmed her insides and further turned them cold. "Daphne, honey, it's-"

"Don't call me that." She sneered, her mind echoing memories of her uncle and father. She felt an insane amount of her own guilt for not phoning before, or even trying to do so now. She could only hope they were looking for her, instead.

"Right, uh, um, are you okay?"

"Yeah." Clark nodded, looking towards Jack before turning to face his Mom. "Jack was, um, just hungry. I don't think he's ever had candy before."

"I like it. I like nougat." Jack beamed at the sheriff before looking to Daphne and slightly frowning. He noticed her stance and raised an arm to tug on her sleeve. She snapped her head to stare at him quickly, assessing him for any wounds that wouldn't be there anyway. When she realised what she did, she frowned and shook her head before immediately retreating back to the chair she had once sat in. It seemed that the longer she hung around Jack, the worst this protective attitude grew. It frightened her.

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