jail cell

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(pls comment and vote) is this book alright? sometimes, as i write, i feel like it's either too bland or too wordy, yk?


Daphne scowled to herself, sitting in the opposite corner of the cell to what her uncle was. She was pissed he tazed Jack, but thankful he and Dean had found them. The mix of emotions were making her mind spiral and she hated it. Subconsciously, her fingers fiddled with the sleeves of her jumper, her tell-tale sign of her mind working its way into knots of endless thoughts.

Sam had watched her, his brows furrowed with concern as he saw her blank stare looking towards the unconscious Nephilim. It was as though she didn't know she was staring at him and yet she didn't want to look away, either. He worried himself silly at the thoughts of what Jack could've done to Daphne to get her acting like it, and yet he wasn't sure if it was Jack's fault.

He saw the way that Jack had clutched onto his niece when he looked at Dean, possibly believing Dean would hurt him again and not wanting the same to happen to Daphne. This was the proof that Sam had. It planted a million seeds of doubt in every crevice of his mind and they were like Venus Flytraps. Ready to eat the prey that was his thoughts.

"Daphne?" Sam called out, his tone holding a slight awkward edge to it. He wasn't the best with kids, and he was in general a slightly awkward person when it came to day-to-day interactions with others. She didn't respond to him, she didn't even acknowledge that he had spoken to her.

Daphne, however, examined Jack's sleeping self. The front of his body faced her, and she took the opportunity to look over at his peaceful face. She didn't know what it was or how it came to be, but this attachement she was feeling towards Jack grew with every breath she seemed to take. Slowly, she was becoming accustomed to it and figured that, if they ever had a new angel friend, her questions will have answers once again.


"Daphne." Jack called out, his eyes snapping open and searching for her. When his blue eyes looked into hers, his body relaxed and he sat up abruptly, going to stand and walk towards her but he watched her gaze flicker to something behind him and he felt an anger bubble. It was his duty to protect her, he could feel it, and so he was quick to stand and turn, ready to defend the mundane girl against whatever they were trapped with.

"Jack!" Daphne stood as quick as she could, her hand grasping his arm. In retaliation, the Nephilim boy pushed her back gently, one arm staying outstretched to keep her behind him whilst his eyes burned their bright gold in a threatening manner. Sam sat on the bed before him, hands raising in surrender as he realised the danger he was now in.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa." He quickly protested, eyes wide and staring at the scene in front of him. "Easy, easy, easy, easy!"

"Jack, don't." Daphne pleaded, her arm slightly wrapping around his in hopes of gaining his attention. But he was to protect her, and so that's what he'll do without fail.

"It's okay." Sam tried to comfort the rather determined and pissed off boy opposed to him. "You're okay. I'm not gonna hurt you."

"You already hurt me." Jack growled out his answer, "And i won't let you hurt her."

"Yes, i did." Sam agreed, nodding and trying to come across as harmless as possible. "I-I'm sorry. I was just trying to slow you down. And i could never hurt Daphne." 

"Listen to him." Said girl whispered, trying to gently push Jack's arm down and get him to calm himself. 

"You-you were, uh..." Sam took in a deep breath before he glanced to Daphne, watching how she seemed so comfortable to be around the boy that could smite them if he so pleased. "Are you alright?" He finally asked, and Jack slowly let down his guard and stood a little straighter, but he looked to Daphne for reassurance first. He was greeted by a soft smile and gentle nod, to which made him look back towards Sam.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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