Something Growing

35 4 19

Janet leaned along the tabletop and scooped some more egg salad into her mouth with an easy grin as Kenna stared at her, her fork hovering just outside of her gaping mouth. Janet closed her eyes and chewed with a deep blush. When she opened her eyes once more, she began gathering the last bite of her food onto her spoon and finally visibly noticed Kenna watching her with a jolt. Her natural flush darkened and she hurriedly took her last bite, then got up from her place as Kenna tried to quickly finish her food as well.

As she walked behind her on her way to the kitchen nearby, Janet ran her hand along the back of her shoulders and leaned in once she stood at her right side. "Are you done too, Kenny?" She nodded toward her empty plate and she scooted it closer to her, allowing her to take it to the sink. As Janet fell into her usual after dinner routine, Kenna sat back in her perch and slightly leaned it backward so that she could watch her around the kitchen bar. "So, have you thought some more about the design for the new barn? I know it's only been a few days since I asked you to do it, but with how quickly you and your brother have progressed through the work on the reno-house, I was just wondering 'cause I'd like to move there with the animals. Not before."

"Well, I have a few ideas and ran them by Neil. He liked them and said I should bring them to you, but I just want to work one more thing out before I do. Is that alright?" Watching Janet as she spoke, Kenna spotted the way her hips swung as she hummed and did the dishes, placing them on the drying rack when each was done. She stood and made her way over, taking the drying towel nearby and beginning to help her along. Chancing a glance toward Janet, Kenna found gratefulness drenching her features. Janet leaned over until their shoulders bumped, then stood up straight as she finished the last of the day's dishes with a nod. "Great. Then we can discuss it tomorrow."

"Was there something else you wanted to talk about?" Janet handed her the dish and wiped her hands on her overalls, then turned off the faucet.

"Well, I was just wondering something lately. A lot of things really, but I've mostly kept things to myself. Do you mind if I ask you something now?" Kenna waited for her to nod and after she had, Janet walked to the kitchen bar, hopping atop its counter. She pat beside herself and Kenna cracked a grin as she finished drying the dish in her hands and put it away. Sitting down beside her, she glanced up into Janet's eyes and gulped to destroy the minor reticence in her throat. It was getting thinner and thinner and she was happier each day that passed on this land, though still unsure if what she was about to ask would push things too far. However, Kenna couldn't help inquiring more about Jan and she took a steadying breath before asking, "You...mentioned that you were in the foster care system, right?"

"I did." Janet turned her body to somewhat face her and took one of her overall straps down, massaging her shoulder.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I just have a kink in the crook of my neck." Janet waved her hand in circular motions as she rang her neck several times. "But you were sayin'...?"

"Right. Well, you said you were, but only spoke about the family you were with as a teen." Janet's hand stopped its whipping and her eyes grew wide. She quickly glanced away and rubbed the back of her neck as she began kicking her one leg still dangling over the counter back and forth. Fearing she may have probed too hard, Kenna began moving toward the edge of the counter as she hurriedly added, "Sorry, I should really have just--"

"No, Kenny..." Janet grasped her wrist and she ceased her descent, staring back at her in silence as she watched her face still turned away twitch. She finally glanced over at Kenna and sent her a halfhearted grin that didn't reach her eyes, then gestured for her to follow her as she got down after all. Taking Kenna's hand, Janet led her out of the kitchen toward the living area and they sat down at the double seated sofa. The loveseat was always Kenna's favorite place to rest in the evenings after their meals together, but this was the first time she'd even seen Janet use it. At least, it was the only time she could call to mind and she suddenly felt a bit on edge. Especially with Janet's next phrase. "I...wasn't in good homes until I was with them."

CountryCore Series: Fixer Upper (WLW)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu