Time Waits for No Man...or Animal

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"Where do you think we should set up the dancing area for the reception? 'Cause I was thinking maybe near the fire pit...?" Jan inquired as she knelt next to Kenny and watched her lay another brick along the outside of her Outdoor Sparkapalooza, as she was calling it.

Kenny smirked and glanced around the area, tilting her head to the side as she watched Blaze jumping with his kits up and down from the three tiers making up its length. It was a rounded area holding an Outland Living Mega Fire Pit at its epicenter and three levels around it. It would serve as a gathering place for those in town who may come by for a visit, namely Troy, Neil and their children, and was settled between the newly built barn and renovated house. Believing their work was originally done was nothing other than a passing thought as Jan considered more that could be achieved to make her property her forever home and this addition was even more enticing.

Jan bounced on her knees as she pictured Kenny's family around the fire on the tiers that would soon hold portable cushions they'd keep inside of her barn until they built a shed to hold the cooking supplies. First came the grill, however, and the idea of having this picturesque setting as her home for the remainder of her life with the promise of all those who may visit set Jan's heart alight. She was literally bursting at the seams to experience it all and the primary person within all those marvelous fantasies, the woman with her through it all, was Kenny.

Peeking back up at her as she felt her eyes burning a hole into the side of her face, she saw admiration facing her and smiled from ear to ear, something of which was becoming easier and more inviting with every passing day. "What?"

"Nothing. You just look so pretty under the setting sun." Kenny really hadn't held back. Keeping true to her word, she showered Jan in compliments daily and she felt her skin sizzle even without the fire pit being lit. Kenny nodded toward another brick and got her trowel ready to lay it. "I think this would be a perfect setting for their reception and thankfully, they got back their deposit. Can't believe the venue had to close on such short notice, but that's what happens when the owner's sick family lives out of state. Anyways, we'll only need a few more and it will be done. Want to have the barbecue here tonight?"

"Do you even need to ask?" Jan handed her another brick and left a peck on her cheek, feeling it heat under her lips. Then again, it could have just been from how hot it was growing the closer to summer the year drew. Even with the sun low in the sky, it was quite heated and Jan wiped the sweat from Kenny's brow with her sleeve. Glancing down at her clothing, she sighed and could feel Kenny's curious eyes on her once again. "I'm going to have to bring out my summer clothes."

"Oh!" If Jan didn't know any better, she would have expected Kenny to salivate as she ran her darkening eyes over her body. "And what kind of clothes are those?"

"Nothing special. I just wear T-shirts and let my overalls hang loosely, so pretty much what you wear. Although, I really like how you tie your coveralls around your waist. Not sure if I can do the same with my overalls." Jan handed her another brick and once she'd laid it, Kenny stood and held her hand down toward her.

As she helped Jan to her feet, she eyed her overalls, then touched one of the buckles. "May I?"

Staring hard at the lovely blush sweeping across Kenny's delicate features, Jan nodded and waited patiently as she unfastened both of her overall straps. She moved around to Jan's backside and took the front straps with her, then began tying them along her sides. After tucking them into the waist of the lower half of her apparel, Kenny untucked Jan's plaid shirt and tapped the buttons. Upon her nod, she began undoing them and revealed her trademark undershirt tank top and smirked after licking her lips. She eased Jan's shirt off of her shoulders as if she was unwrapping a present, then stepped back as she pulled it from her body and slung it over her forearm.

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