In Defense of Public Safety

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Kenna put Janet's pick-up into park and turned off the ignition just prior to hopping out and jogging over to the passenger's side. She opened it and held up her hand, helping Janet down from the truck and giddy when she felt her fingers intertwine with hers. Glancing over at her, she found her smiling as she began to lead her into the small grocery store and returned her hold. They hadn't said much on the way into town, but Janet's hand hadn't left hers resting along the middle console until she pulled the truck into the parking lot.

Still unaccustomed to the constant affection shown by Janet, Kenna desired getting used to it and found just that flourishing within herself with a smirk as she listened to her explain, "We can get the barley around back once we're done in the store and I was thinking of barbecuing some pork this evening. Would you like some as well?"

"Definitely." Kenna let her hand go long enough for her to grab a cart and as she wrapped her hand around the side of its child seat wherein Janet set her purse, she felt her fingers rubbing along hers. Kenna splayed her fingers and Janet immediately interlocked hers there along the back of her hand as she began pushing the cart forward. "Do you think they'll have the security supplies at the hardware store?"

"I do, yes, though I'm sure we'll need to ask a clerk where to find it all since I've never once looked. In the meantime..." Janet steered the cart toward the produce stands and licked her lips as she parted from her and the cart long enough to pick up a sack of pears. "I can use a few of these in the barbecue to add a natural sweetener."

"Really? My mom always just used citrus or apples for natural sweeteners in her cooking."

"It's good with pears, too. And these look so yummy, so I think we'll be in for a real treat tonight." Kenna smiled over at Janet as she bounced with giddiness in place after setting the pears into their cart. As much as she wanted to enjoy their time together, Kenna felt as though someone's eyes were on her and she raised her head. Swiveling it around the area, she noticed several others literally pointed at her and spoke to one another under their breath, startling as she made eye contact with them. "Kenny, is something wrong?"

"Huh? Oh! It's nothing." Kenna tore her gaze away from the speculative eyes on her and cautiously grinned at Janet, but it was obvious she hadn't been very convincing in her quick answer. "What's next?"

"Hmm, onions, tomatoes and celery..." Janet gave her a sidelong glance, but eventually went back to their shopping as Kenna released a long breath.

"So what are you planning to cook with the barbecue? Is there something I can help prepare?"

Finally successful in bringing that ease back to Janet's features, Kenna walked beside her as she steered them toward the vegetables nearby. "We could have some corn and a nice salad if you'd like, but I also have some broccoli that needs to be eaten. Do you like broccoli?"

"I like all veggies aside from squash and beets." Janet giggled at this and looked over into her eyes as she drew closer.

"I don't think anyone of sound mind likes beets, so I'll agree with you on that."

"Troy likes them."

"Precisely my point." Kenna laughed and felt her cheeks warm, though the hair at the back of her neck rose to attention. "No offense to the sweet guy, but his food choices can be rather...odd."

"Yeah..." Kenna trailed off as she lifted her gaze and found more eyes on her, gulping down the ball of trepidation gathering in her throat.

"Kenna, I know something is wrong. What's going on?"

Finally jerking her eyes back over toward her, Kenna grimaced as she leaned in closely. "Some of the shoppers around us are staring. Should I let your hand go?"

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