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Author's note: Not doing well right now, I think I'm experiencing a writer's block.

To avoid confusion, I would only be using either a third person's point of view or Lilianna's point of view.


It was already Wednesday afternoon when Doctor Cullen announced that the twins are already fine and can be discharge. Uncle Charlie caught a wind about it when I was packing the twins things, but I reassured him by telling him that someone would drive me and the twins back home. Of course that someone is surely Rosalie, she's been quiet clingy to me and the twins. Although I don't know the reason why she's doing that, I might have a theory about it but I don't wanna sound so narcissistic.

"You know you can actually go with me and I'll explain it to Uncle Charlie if he ever saw you inside the house." I suggested, she's been in a rather bad mood lately. Sulking after finding out that I would be separated from her. And that suggestion made her already sulking face to lighten up.

"OK then, let's go." She immediately grab the already pack bags of the twins. Mind you, each bags is heavy especially the red one. After grabbing it in her left hand, and multitasking too much. She then went to hug Agape on her right hand, holding her firmly. The little baby girl squealed in excitement when she saw the blonde's gesture. I was stunned during the whole process, for a feminine girl like her. I couldn't imagine that she would even have the strength to lift those things and add Agape's weight, not to shame my little sister but she's really growing heavy.

"Not to sound like I'm kicking you out but aren't your family worried?" And that question made her halt. "Don't worry, Esme and Carlisle already knew the reason." I only nodded to indicate that I understand.

I then hold Philos on my arms, the little man was already excited to the point he would giggle everytime. We both exited the room, holding the babies firmly in our hand. Rosalie already assured me that the discharge process was dealt faster, she said it was an advantage when you have a father who's a doctor. We ventured along the hallway until we finally reach the parking lot outside, I just followed her wherever she goes.

I immediately raised one of my eyebrow after seeing the flushy red car. As Rosalie opened the back seat that already has a baby car seat, which by the way I didn't even know when she did have it. After she settled all the bags on the compartment of the car, we immediately settled the two excited babies. After that, she then opened the passenger's door. I couldn't help but to blush at her gesture. As we settled in on our sit, she immediately started the engine which causes a roaring sound of the car.

"Mercedes-Benz C-Class convertible?" I ask, which caused her to look at me with interest.

"You know about cars?"

"Not much, it's just my dad owned one." I shrugged my shoulders. As she immediately drove away, only using the normal speed. Not too fast, just perfect for me. The whole journey, it was quiet amusing how the twins were looking around the whole time. It made me realize that we haven't really toured Forks.

"Hey, Rose." She hummed in reply. "You once mention about your family moving here in Forks just last year ago."

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