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           "Who's the first vampire in your family?" I ask Rose, while she's busy brushing my hair gently.

           She sighed, comfortably. "Carlisle, his the first and the one who turned us. It took him so many years to found a companion, it was Edward. The first he turn, he died in a Spanish flu."

         "What happened to Carlisle in his years of being a vampire, alone?" I ask, curiosity got the best of me.

         "Well, he once mention of being part of Volturi. He joined them, witness their cruelty to humans. He wants to separate himself from them and so he did." She explains shortly, though I felt that it wasn't enough. I just let her.

          "Volturi..." I frown, hearing that made me feel some kind of familiarities.

       "You know them?" Ask Rose as she held me closer.

        "They had an agreement with the sorceress once. A truce for both kind, the sorceress wanted revenge for what they had done to the half–breed or what  the greedy vampire did to the children of vampire and sorceress—"

       "Wait, did you just say children?" Oh, that's great Lanna. The very important secret, and got revealed just like that. "Are you still hiding something from me?" Then she pulled away, topping me in bed. Not letting any escape from me.

         "Let me tell you something first." I raise my hand and show her that I won't fight. "Once their's a sorceress, she was a powerful one. One day, she decided to venture the world. And that's when she met the vampire, the sorceress fell in love. But the vampire? It was the most beautiful day for her, as she already found her mate that she wanted from the very beginning. That love escalated until the other sorceress found out about this, but instead of killing both lovers. They supported it, that is the start of vampires being an ally." She sigh again, laying herself down beside me. "And then?" She ask, hoping for another condition.

        "Lovers become marriage couple, but years after years went by— the sorceress felt that something is missing. Her yearn for the children of their own went stronger that she begged and prayed, the Goddesses took pity on her and blessed the couple with two fruits. One fruit can enhance the fertility between vampire and sorceress, and since the agreement is made. The sorceress would be the one carrying the child, the other one can enhance the power. And protect the body of the person who eats it. With the two fruits, the sorceress successfully carried their children safely. Unharmed." I explain slowly as Rosalie blink to process everything.

         "The children was born safely in the world. They were half–breed, not the ones that vampires calls the immortals but half–breed. They grow the same in human pace, but the power that they possess are stronger than any creature. Thanks to the blessing running in their viens, enhancing their powers even more. But then, greedy vampires came. Kidnapping those helpless children and killing their vampire mother in front of them. Without any choices left, the sorceress killed everyone and then herself and her children." When I mention the part of killing, my Rosalie frown— not quiet liking the idea of killing the children.

        "How could she do that, it's her own children. Born out of her wombs." Dissaprove is evident in her voice.

          "But my love, you should understand. She only did that because she didn't want her children to suffer in the hands of those greedy vampires. Anyways, after that happen— the sorceress wanted revenge. But without killing those vampires that did the deed first, letting them feel an excruciating pain. Pain incomparable to anything, a spell. Then the volturi came, offering a truce since the sorceress has already killed the murderer." Trying to reason out, but she's still frowning.

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