A visit (infected x pilby (sk8rclown))

671 5 30

Infected stared at his pc blankly.

There wasn't anything on the screen particularly", which was odd, since infected should've been grinding his ass for whatever game he was playing up at this point, but instead he was just...staring...seemingly zoned out..

Unpleasant wasn't in the house, which was good, at least for infecteds perspective, he'd always hated that guy, didn't matter if it has his father or not, So now he should be relaxing, right?


Not really...

For some reason infected didn't feel like playing games, which was way out of left field for him, he didn't even feel like touching the pc, but neither did he feel like sleeping or getting a snack.

So what did he want to do?

That was a question ringing at the back of his mind for a while now, he pulled out his ifone, seeing the wallpaper of him and pilby when they drank slushees at the skatepark, infected had taken a photo to commemorate that moment, looking bright and sharp as always as pilby timidly smiled and put a peace sign up, sipping their cotton candy drink.

He stared at pilby's frozen stature through the phone screen, it's been a while since they've talked, and it's not like pilby knew how to use an ifone so texting or calling them was practically useless..

Although....infected knew where they lived..

...He grinned wider, he knew what he wanted to do today.


Pilby folded some of their clothes from the bed, humming to themselves the old tune, they knew it well, their mama used to sing it to them all the time, even at their graduation. It kept them calm and sweet..

Although the thought of their mama always made them sniffle a bit, they missed her dearly, she was alive and well thank god, but old and frail on top of a hill, it wasn't like they had time to visit her either, rather getting stuck in the regretevator business and the god forsaken wheel thing outside their room. They're glad Mach let them reside in one of the old rooms in the backstage, speaking of which, they should probably check on her! They finished his chore and exited the room, walking down to the main stage

"Mach?" They called out

No response

"Machhh? Golly where would she have disappeared to? :0("

No response yet again...

Guess she was out getting an apple..

"D'ohhh.." they sighed sadly and skiddadled back to their room, not noticing the patches of missing texture puddles near their door..

They closed it behind them and immediately noticed the sudden shift in their room...they didn't put those clothes there. And those strings of missing texture..yeah someone was in his room, they freaked out at that realization, frozen, they instinctively pulled out one of their colorful plastic pins and pointed it everywhere, acting like it was a weapon of some sorts.

"W-who's in my room!? Show yourselves!! X0[]"

Rattling came from the closet, pilby immediately helped and shakily pointed the pin to the closet, awaiting something to come jumping out..

But it stopped, for a moment pilby furrowed their eyebrows and lowered their pin..

That was before whatever was inside bursted out, pilby screamed as the thing pinned him, but they managed to get a whack at its head

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