Of chaos and Mach

678 10 45

Mach swung her banhammer with her hand, whistling her old timey tune as she walked back to her resting place, 'the wheel of' floor.

Seeing the place empty indicated a feeling of uncanny valley, usually the floor would be brimming with players jumping and fighting and doing all a sorts of silly stuff while trying to avoid their impending doom of death. But now...it's just empty space...no one to join Mach's encore.

She tilted her head in curiosity while looking around the stage, perking at the sight of a wall torn down and...blood....

The Thick red substance trailed off from the bottom of Mach's shoes to pilbys room...


Mach immediately felt a jolt go through her body as she bursted into pilbys room, looking around frantically.

"Pilby???? Hello???"

No answer.

Just darkness.

Mach felt panic seethe into her veins as she took steps forward, inspecting the damage done.

Everything. Almost everything was destroyed. The table split into two with all of its top contents broken to bits on the floor, including the little flower lamp that mach brought for pilby. Their bed scuffed and raggeged as the sheets were violently torn off. The walls filled with scratches and blobs of missing textures, and there, on the floor, a skateboard. adorned in green, pink and brown colors. With the owners name etched onto it.

'1nf3ct3d XP"


Mach gripped onto her banhammer tightly, sternly looking around until she heard a scared whimper come from the white closet, hazily recognizing it as one of pilbys. She approached the closet and almost ripped the door off of its hinges, her eyes widening at the current sight.

Pilby was cowering and sobbing at a corner, curled into a protective ball, holding one of their hands, which was drenched in deep blood, Having been scratched deeply. 

They immediately noticed the doors almost flying off and yelped at the sight of a raging mach. And before they could even utter a word, they were picked up by her giant hands, held up by the scruff of their neck like a cat.

"Who. Did this." Mach commanded her eyes glowing viciously. All pilby could do was shiver and utter the one word they could muster through their tears and snot, as well as the intense blood loss.


Mach huffed, deciding not to press them due to his obvious critical condition. she held pilby near and dear to her chest as they felt light headed, then, using her other arm that was holding the banhammer, she smashed it through the wall, but she didn't excitably destroy it, more or so created an immediate rift to Dr.Retro's office, who was just chilling on her desk and practically jumped out of her fur when she saw the cracked portal and the huge silhouette quickly enter through it. 


but before dr.retro could mew a second time, Mach held out a barely conscious pilby to her face. almost frantically

"Fix him. PLEASE." She almost shouted, feeling herself shiver a little, Dr.Retro, who'd just began trying to comprehend this confusing situation, immediately took Pilby and ran to get him immediate attention, Mach felt herself almost get into her knees, she felt like crying. This. This was pretty sudden. And the fact Pilby had to be dragged into this-!? No...No..

She clenched her fists, remembering the kateboard and it's owner.


Did HE have something to do with this-!? Ooo once she got her hands on that bright vermin she'll-

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